Page 8
3.2 Write Command
Select ‘1’ to send Write command to NVMe SSD.
Output performance
Input test parameter
Current transfer size
Green: User input
Blue: Output to user
Figure 3-2 Input and test result when running Write command
User inputs three parameters as follows.
1) Start Address: Input start address to write SSD as 512-byte unit. The input is decimal unit
when user inputs only digit number.
User can add “0x” to be a prefix for hexadecimal unit.
When LBA unit of SSD is 4 Kbyte, this input must be aligned to 8.
2) Transfer Length: Input total transfer size as 512-byte unit. The input is decimal unit when
user inputs only digit number. User can a
dd “0x” to be a for hexadecimal unit. When LBA
unit of SSD is 4 Kbyte, this input must be aligned to 8.
3) Test pattern: Select test data pattern for writing to SSD. There are five patterns, i.e. 32-bit
increment, 32-bit decrement, all 0, all 1, and 32-bit LFSR counter.
After all inputs are valid, the operation begins. During writing data, current transfer size is
displayed on the console every second to show that system is still alive. Finally, total size,
total time usage, and test speed are displayed on the console after finishing the operation.