© 2006
Placing the jumper in the position towards the back panel selects falling-edge power-on
on that channel.
Jumper towards the front panel selects rising-edge power-on.
The cause of the power-up (one of three input channels or the power button) is
available to software.
Inputs can be treated both as immediate values (the driver returns the current state) or
edge detectors (the driver returns a latched edge and can clear such events on
Wireless PCMCIA/Cardbus card
Typical Card Specifications
Standards Compliance: 802.11g, 802.11a
Interface: 32-bit CardBus Interface
Security: 64/128 bit WEP Encryption WPA-PSK
Two Green LEDs:
Slow flash alternatively: finding APs
Flash slowly: connected to an AP, no traffic
Flash quickly: transmitting and receiving data
S3 Main Connector: HS CAN / SW CAN
The integrated network contains a single-wire CAN channel (using the Melexis single-wire CAN
transceiver P/N TH8056) and a normal (high-speed) CAN channel (using a Philips CAN transceiver
P/N TJA1050 and an Infineon TLE6250G transceiver).
The Single-Wire CAN channel conforms to GM specification GMW 3089 revision 2.2.