Flight Manual LS10-s,-st
Issued: December 2011 TN LS10-02
If you pulled the emergency release inadvertently while opening the
canopy you should hold down the canopy at the emergency release handle.
Then lift the canopy at the rear end with your left hand to disengage the Röger
hook. Then open the canopy simultaneously with the movement of the
instrument panel and take off the canopy. If you don’t follow this procedure
the canopy might be damaged by the instrument panel.
Miscellaneous equipment (Options)
Removable Ballast
The installation of one trim ballast weight 4R8-108 2.45 kg (5.4 lbs) at the
holder in front of the rudder pedal assy decreases the necessary pilot mass by
approximately 5,5 kg (12 lbs). (max. 3 front trim weights can be
installed).Further data regarding Cockpit Load see section 6.
Oxygen system
A fiberglas receptacle is installed in the left hand side of the main bulkhead for
3 or 4 Litre oxygen bottles of 100 mm (3.94 in) in diameter. Bottles must be
fixed with the designated clamp (P/N.: 4R8-41c)
After permanent installation of an oxygen system according to its
manufacturer instructions by an adequately licensed maintenance/ repair shop,
the sailplane including oxygen system must be inspected (Weight and Balance,
Loading Instructions).
When using a removable oxygen unit, its weight must be counted as cockpit
Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT)
The ELT may be installed on the holder 9R96 according to installation
plan 9EP24 attached to the Maintenance Manual and according to the ELT
manufacturer’s instructions.
The designated place is the moulding on the RH side of the landing gear box
below the baggage compartment. As the ELT is not accessible in flight an
ELT remote control must be installed.
The gain access to the on-off switch of the ELT e.g. for switching off the
ELT for ground transport, the radio speaker plate must be mounted on an
access door according to drawing 4R07-091.
Antenna installation is only certified according to installation plan
9EP22 attached to the MM.
After installation, a functional test and inspection must be performed by a
licensed inspector.
The ELT must be switched off during road transport.
With ELT installed onto holder 9R96, the installation of an additional battery see
AFM sect. 7.17.4 is not possible.