maximum, the specific method will be introduced in PPM interface. Second: user can reset PPM
maximum in UART interface. Regardless of which method, all PPM minimum value must be
guaranteed not less than 500us,the maximum PPM value is less than 2500us.
For example, to set PPM control signals of the drive the minimum and maximum value respectively
for 1000us and 2000us
* Send: 1,SPPM,1000,2000\r\n
* Returns: none
3.26 Get the control signal mode (ID,GSM\r\n)
Drive control signal patterns into the sustainable mode and discontinuous mode, sustainable mode
refers to drive will keep the parameters set before once it received a valid control signal,it will
changed until it receives new parameters. Discontinuous mode is that the drive will stop working
once valid control signal is not received within a stipulated time, and indicates a failure of losing
signal(a specific time, please refer to "set a break mode time limit" directive). In addition, the control
signal mode is valid only for PPM and UART interfaces. Return parameter of 0 indicates that
continuous mode and 1 indicates a break mode, the factory default value is 0.
* Send: 1,GSM\r\n
* Returns: (current control signal mode)
3.27 Set the control signal mode (ID,SSM,*\r\n)
For example, the control signal mode is set to continuous mode
* Send: 1,SSM,1\r\n
* Returns: none
3.28 Set time limit of break mode (ID,SDCT,****\r\n)
Discontinuous mode time limit, the maximum can be set to 10s, its timebase is 10ms.
For example, to set the discontinuous mode time to 1s
* Send: 1,SDCT,100\r\n
* Returns: none
3.29 Get the PID parameter- Kp (ID,GKP,*\r\n)
For example, to get the parameter of M1 velocity loop PID- Kp
* Send: 1,GKP,1\r\n
* Returns: (the current Kp values M1)
3.30 Get the PID parameter- Ti (ID,GTI,*\r\n)