Award BIOS Setup Utility KB Power On Password
Move the cursor to this field and press <Enter>. Enter your pass-
word. You can enter up to 5 characters. Type in exactly the same
password to confirm, then press <Enter>.
The power button will not function once a keyboard password has
been set in this field. You must type the correct password to power-
on the system. If you forgot the password, power-off the system and
remove the battery. Wait for a few seconds and install it back
before powering-on the system. KB Power On Hot Key
This field is used to select a function key that you would like to use
to power-on the system. Power-On by Alarm
When Enabled, you can set the date and time you
would like the Soft Power Down (Soft-Off) PC to
power-on in the “ Time (dd:hh:mm)” fields. However,
if the system is being accessed by incoming calls or
the network prior to the date and time set in these
fields, the system will give priority to the incoming
calls or network.
Disables the automatic power- on function.(default) Time (dd:hh:mm)
This is used to set the date and time you would like the system
to power on.