ATI CrossFire Technology
Regardless of the type of operating mode used, the completed
frames from both GPUs are sent to the Compositing Engine on the
CrossFire Edition graphics card, which then sends them on to the
display device.
Supertile Mode
Supertiling divides your screen image into subsections like “tiles”
in alternating tile pattern such that half of the tiles are assigned
to each of the two GPUs.
Scissor Mode
In Scissor mode, each frame is split into two sections, either hori-
zontal or vertical, with each section being processed by one GPU.
Alternate Frame Rendering (AFR)
In AFR mode, all even frames are rendered on one GPU, while
all odd frames are rendered on the other.
Super AA (Anti-Aliasing)
The Super AA mode provides even higher quality anti-aliasing on
multi-GPU systems. It works by having each GPU render the
same frame with anti-aliasing enabled but using different sample
locations for each. When both versions of the frame are com-
pleted, they are blended in the CrossFire Compositing engine. The
resulting image is twice the number of samples, so 4x and 6x
AA become 8x and 12x Super AA respectively.