BIOS Setup
PS2KB Wakeup Select
This field allows you to use a function key or password to wake up
the system.
Hot Key
Use any of the function keys, between F1 and F12,
to wake up the system.
Use a password to wake up the system. Select this
option and press <Enter>. Enter your password. You
can enter up to 5 characters. Type in exactly the
same password to confirm, then press <Enter>.
If you forgot the password, you must power-off
the system, unplug the power cord and clear
the CMOS data by setting JP3 pins 2 and 3 to
On. Refer to chapter 2 for more information.
The settings on the screen are for reference only. Your version may not be identical
to this one. IRQ/Event Activity Detect
Move the cursor to this field and press <Enter>. The following
screen will appear.
Manually changing the CPU’s operating frequency and/or
voltage are not guaranteed to provide better system
performance. It may cause damage or result to the CPU’s or
system’s instability.