The lower right hand corner shows the base memory size, extended
memory size, and the other memory size of your system. You cannot
alter these items; your computer automatically detects and displays
The Other Memory size refers to the memory located in the 640K to
1MB address space. This is the memory used for different applica-
tions. DOS uses this area to load device drivers to keep as much
base memory free for application programs. Most use this for the
Shadow RAM.
When you are through making changes in the Standard CMOS Setup,
press <Esc> to return to the main menu.
BIOS Features Setup
Use the arrow keys to highlight “BIOS Features Setup” and press <En-
ter>, a screen similar to the one below will appear.
The Virus Warning option may be set to “Enabled” or “Disabled”. When
enabled, the BIOS issues a warning when any program or virus sends
a Disk Format command or attempts to write to the boot sector of the
hard disk drive. Leave this option disabled if you are using Windows 95
as that operating system will need to access the boot sector of your
hard drive.