BIOS Setup
PS2KB Wakeup From S3/S4/S5
This field allows you to use the PS/2 keyboard to wake up the
system from the S3/S4/S5 state.
Any Key
Use any keyboard keys to wake up the system
from the S3/S4/S5 state.
Hot Key
Use any of the function keys, between F1 and F12,
to wake up the system from the S3/S4/S5 state.
Use a password to wake up the system from the
S3/S4/S5 state. Select this option and press <En-
ter>. Enter your password. You can enter up to 5
characters. Type in exactly the same password to
confirm, then press <Enter>.
If you forgot the password, you must power-off
the system, unplug the power cord and clear the
CMOS data. Follow the steps in the “Jumper
Settings for Clearing CMOS Data” section in
chapter 2.
PS2MS Wakeup from S3/S4/S5
This field allows you to use the PS/2 mouse to wake up the
system from the S3/S4/S5 state.
Disables the PS/2 mouse wake up function.
Click the PS/2 mouse to wake up the system.
Move & Click
Move and click the PS/2 mouse to wake up the
Power Up By Alarm
When Enabled, you can set the date and time you
would like the Soft Power Down (Soft-Off) PC to
power-on in the “Month Alarm”, “Day of Month
Alarm” and “Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm” fields. However,
if the system is being accessed by incoming calls or
the network prior to the date and time set in these
fields, the system will give priority to the incoming
calls or network.
Disables the automatic power-on function. (de-