Supervisor Password
If you want to protect your system and setup from unauthorized entry,
set a supervisor’s password with the “System” option selected in the
BIOS Features Setup.
If you want to protect access to setup only, but not your system, set a
supervisor’s password with the “Setup” option selected in the BIOS Fea-
tures Setup. You will not be prompted for a password when you cold
boot the system.
Use the arrow keys to highlight the “Supervisor Password” option and
press <Enter>. The message below will appear.
Enter Password:
Type in the password. You are limited to eight characters. When done,
the message below will appear:
Confirm Password:
You are being asked to verify the password. Type in exactly the same
password. If you type in a wrong password, you will be prompted to
enter the correct password again.
To delete or disable the password function, highlight “Supervisor Pass-
word” and press <Enter>, instead of typing in a new password. Press
the <Esc> key to return to the main menu.
User Password
If you want another user to have access only to your system but not to
setup, set a user’s password with the “System” option selected in the
BIOS Features Setup.
If you want a user to enter a password when trying to access setup, set
a user’s password with the “Setup” option selected in the BIOS Fea-
tures Setup. Using a user’s password to enter Setup allows a user to
access only the “User Password” option that appears on the main
screen. Access to all other options is denied.