Installing a SIM Module
A SIM module simply snaps into a socket on the system board. Pin 1 of
the SIM module must correspond with Pin 1 of the socket.
1. Position the SIMM above the socket with the “notch” in the module
aligned with the “key” on the socket.
2. Seat the module at a 45° angle into the bank. Make sure it is com-
pletely seated. Tilt the module upright until it locks in place in the
Cache Memory
The 586IHX system board can support 256KB or 512KB pipeline burst,
direct map write-back cache SRAM. Your system board may come with
256KB or 512KB cache mounted at locations U10 and U19 of the sys-
tem board.
If your system board is mounted with 256KB cache, you may upgrade
your cache memory to 512KB by installing a 256KB cache module in
the 160-pin cache module slot (SSM1). If your system board is mounted
with 512KB cache, which is the maximum cache memory supported by
the system board, the cache module slot will not be installed on the
system board.
Regardless of the amount of cache memory installed, one SRAM is
mounted on location U16 for tag RAM to store the cacheable ad-
dresses. Refer to page 12 for the locations of the SRAMs and cache
module slot.