APCO CSD-800 Slanting Disc Check Valves
July 2017
Page 11
Start-up Procedure (CSD-800 Valves)
Do not start up the Check Valve with the downstream Gate Valve or Butterfly Valve
fully open.
1. Observe the Disc Position Indicator to be sure the Disc is in the closed position.
2. With the Check Valve Disc completely closed, partly close the Gate or Butterfly valve
downstream of the Check Valve approximately 50% to minimize the amount of water column
reversal against the disc during the initial testing with the pump starts and stops.
3. Start pump and observe Disc Position Indicator to be sure the Disc is opening. The Disc should
open smoothly.
4. Shut down pump and observe the Disc closing. The disc should close smoothly with a slight
thud to indicate its shutoff.
5. Using the above trial run procedure, make several pump starts and stops while increasing the
opening of the downstream Gate or Butterfly Valve to its fully open position.
Start-up Procedure (CSD-800-BMB Valves)
See Figure 1 for part identification.
1. Check for proper oil levels. Make sure both oil tanks are in vertical position.
Hydro-pneumatic Tank (32):
Release air pressure and remove pipe plug on the side of
the tank. Oil should be visible in the elbow, which is the oil fill level. Add if necessary.
See "Oil Filling Procedure".
Oil Reservoir
The oil level should be checked when the valve is open. Oil should
be visible in the elbow, which is
the oil fill level. Add if necessary. See “Oil Filling
2. Make initial adjustments to the following speed controls:
a. Flow Control Valve (41B) = 3 turns open. See "Adjustment of Flow Control Valve".
b. Flow Control Valve (41A) = Full open.
c. Internal Cushion Needle Valve = 1-1/2 turns open. See "Operation of Internal Cushion".
3. Pressurize Hydro-pneumatic tank to a pressure according to the formula:
Tank pressure = Line pr 5 psi
4. Start pump. While valve is opening, visually ascertain that Buffer Rod (33)
fully extends into the
valve body. If not, pressurize Hydro-pneumatic tank until it does. Table A shows the maximum
stroke adjustment of the Buffer Rod for CSD-800-BMB Slanting Disc Check Valves.