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7.2 Sensor Clamp(op�onal)
The inverter has integrated export limita�on func�on.The func�on is to adjust the output of
inverter quickly according to the power of the user and solar panels, prevent the output of the
inverter from being fed to the power grid. This limiter func�on is op�onal. If you buy the
inverter with limiter, a current sensor will be included in the package which is necessary for
limiter func�on.
Meter Power:
When you are reading this, we believe that you have completed the connec�on according
to the requirements of chapter 5, if you has been running your inverter at this �me, and
you want to use the limiter func�on, please turn off AC and DC switch of the inverter, and
wait for 5 minutes un�l the inverter completely discharged. Then connect the current
sensor to the inverter limiter interface. Make sure they are reliably connected, and the
current sensor should clamp to the live wire of the incoming line. In order to make it easier
for you to use the built-in limiter func�on of the inverter, we have specifically given the
wiring diagram, as shown in Picture 7.1, the red lines connected to the u�lity grid said wire
(L), blue line shows the zero line (N), yellow green line shows the ground wire (PE). We
recommend installing a AC switch between the inverter outlet and the u�lity grid, the specs
of the AC switch is determined according to the load capacity. The AC switch we
recommend to connect to the inverter output can refer to Table 5.1. If there is no integrated
DC switch inside the inverter you purchased, were commend you to connect the DC switch.
The voltage and current of the switch depends on the PV array you access.
4. Operate the bu�on [up down], move se�ng cursor to energy meter and press the bu�on
[enter]. At this �me you can turn on or turn off the energy meter by choosing [up down]
bu�on, please press [enter] bu�on to confirm when se�ng done.
5. Move the cursor to [OK], press [enter] to save the se�ngs and exit the running
parameters page, otherwise the se�ngs are invalid.
6. If set up successfully, you can return to the menu interface, and display the LCD to [home
page] by press the [up down] bu�on. If it displays [meter power XXW], the zero-export
func�on se�ng is completed. Shown as picture 7.15.
7.2.1 Zero-export func�on via CT
Pic 7.5 Zero-export func�on via energy meter turn on
7. Meter power XXW shows posi�ve means grid is supplying the load, and no power fed into
grid. if meter power shows nega�ve, it means PV energy is being sold to grid or energy meter
wiring connce�on has problem.
8. A�er properly connec�on is done, wait for inverter star�ng. If the power of the PV array
meets the current power consump�on, the inverter will keep a certain output to counteract
the power of the grid without backflow .