- 14 -
The AC output connector is divided into three parts: matching socket, sleeve and sealing-
sleeve, as shown in picture 5.7, the steps are as follows:
Step 1: Remove the cable sealing ring and sleeve in sequence from the AC connector.
Step 2: Separate the sleeve from the matching socket,as shown in picture 5.7, the connector
body has two locking holes, and press the locking valve in the hole inward to separate
the matching socket from the sleeve.
Step 3: Use strippers to strip the protec�ve sheath and insula�on layer of the AC cable to the
right length, as shown in Picture 5.8.
Step 4: Insert the cable (L, N, PE) into the sealing sleeve and sleeve.
Be careful to dis�nguish the L, N and PE of the AC cables.
1. Matching socket 2.Sleeve 3.Sealing core 4.Sealing nut
Pic 5.7 AC connector structure
Pic 5.8 Strip AC cable