Used satellites: Numbers of satellites used for calculation of position and speed
Current sec: This channel counts the seconds since midnight UTC
Mark input: Indicates an event at the mark input by changing the level from 0 to 1
Acceleration: Based on the GPS velocity the acceleration is calculated automatically
GPS fix quality: To recognize in which mode the receiver is (Standalone, DGPS, RTK)
The circle at the right gives an overview of the satellites in view of the GPS receiver and which of them
are used from the receiver. The color of the shown satellites indicates the signal strength of them. From
gray to dark green which is the strongest density. Satellites shown in the center of the circle are directly
above the GPS-aerial. Satellites shown at the border of the circle are near the horizon. Green color
satellites are GPS satellites, red color means GLONASS satellites.
The field <PPS sync> changes the color from gray to green depending if the appropriate feature is
available at the moment.
The PPS sync is used for hardware synchronization to analog channels. This will eliminate the time shift
caused due to calculation time of the GPS receiver and of the data transfer time of the RS-232 port.
6.4. Measurement
Now you are ready for measuring. Clicking the “Measure“ button opens the measurement screen.
Image 21: Measure
With the “Store“ and “Stop“ button in the recorder you can control the measurement manually.