WHat can HaPPen
HoW to PreVent It
• Spilled gas o line and its
vapors can be come
ignited from cigarette
sparks, electrical arcing,
exhaust gas es and hot
engine components such
as the muffler.
• Shut off en gine and allow it to
cool before adding fuel to the
• Use care in fill ing tank to avoid
spill ing fuel. Move pressure
wash er away from fueling area
before start ing en gine.
• Heat will ex pand fuel in
the tank which could
result in spillage and
possi ble fire explosion.
• Keep maximum fuel level 1/2"
(12.7 mm) be low bottom of filler
neck to allow for expansion.
• Operating the pressure
washer in an ex plo sive
en viron ment could re sult
in a fire.
• Operate and fuel equipment in
well-ven ti lat ed areas free from
ob struc tions. Equip areas with
fire extinguisher suit able for
gaso line fires.
• Materials placed against
or near the pressure
washer can in ter fere
with its proper ventilation
features caus ing
overheating and possible
ig ni tion of the materials.
• Never op er ate pressure wash er
in an area containing dry brush
or weeds.
• Improperly stored fuel
could lead to acciden tal
ignition. Fuel im prop er ly
secured could get into
the hands of children or
oth er un qual i fied persons.
• Store engine and burner fuel in a
clean OSHA approved con tain er,
in a se cure location away from
work area. Do not allow debris
or moisture to enter container.
• Spraying of gasoline,
kerosene or any kind of
flammable solvent with
this product could result
in serious injury or death.
• Do not spray flammable liquids.
WHat can HaPPen
HoW to PreVent It
• Breathing ex haust
fumes will cause se ri ous
injury or death! En gine
exhaust con tains carbon
monoxide, an odorless
and deadly gas.
• Operate pressure washer in
a well-ventilated area. Avoid
en closed areas such as
ga rages, base ments, etc.
• Never op er ate unit in or near a
lo ca tion occupied by humans or
• Some clean ing fluids
con tain sub stanc es which
could cause injury to skin,
eyes or lungs.
• Use only clean ing fluids
specifical ly rec om mend ed
for high-pressure washers.
Fol low manufacturers
recommendations. Do not use
chlorine bleach or any other
corrosive compound.