User Manual v4.10
K Outputs
The sequencer outputs are a set of 12 flags, K1 to K12. These may be used anywhere a bool-
ean is used, to control relays etc.
For simple sequences the K output can be used in the Relays pulse/Follow box.
More complex sequences using call/return instructions should use the K flags in the Set, Reset
and Toggle boxes. Then use one K flag to set the relay and another to reset it. The K flags are
now only be needed at the point you need to switch the relay. In this way a common called se-
quence will only affect the specified relays, not everything.
Sequencer Examples
Scanning inputs, waiting for something to do.
Supposing you need to monitor two inputs and perform one of two control sequences depend-
ing on the input. We will need a loop to check the inputs and transfer to the appropriate se-
quence when active.
If D1 becomes active control transfers to line 10.
If D2 becomes active control transfers to line 20.
Otherwise they arrive at line 3 and jump back to line 1.
The sequence will loop around these three lines until one of the digital inputs becomes active.
At the end of the routines at lines 10 and 20 you should finish with jumps back to line 1.
Traffic Lights
Here in the UK the traffic light sequence is Red, Red + Amber, Green, Amber, Red. You would
need more than two relays for this, but we can watch the sequence on the virtual relays on the
application page. Here is a sequence for a 2-way traffic control of the type you normally see at
road works.
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