User Manual v4.09
Reset Input
This input will reset the counter value to zero. If the capture Input has been left blank then it
will store the current counter value in the capture register before resetting it to zero. You may
use an input such as D3 or you can use the counter value itself. Entering C1>9 for the
counter1 Reset Input will reset the counter when it reaches 10. This will create a repeating 10
step timer (0-9).
Counters, Timers and Schedules can be combined. As an example lets assume we want to
count the pulses on input 2. We need to know the number of pules per hour coming in.
First we need a 1 hour time base, we’ll use counter/timer 1 for this.
Using T1 for the count input will make the counter increment once per second. There are 3600
seconds in 1 hour so we reset the counter when its greater than 3599 with C1>3599. The
counter will count from 0-3599.
Next we will use counter 2 to do the counting of input 2 pulses.
The count input is set to D2 to count the pulses. The reset input is controlled be counter 1.
When it gets reset to zero each hour, so does counter 2. As the capture input is blank the reset
event also captures the count value. This may be read any time in the next hour.
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