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It’s best for your computer screen to display what has been “echoed” by the encoder as data is
entered. Each character typed on the keyboard is sent to the encoder, which turns it back around
to be shown on the monitor screen. This round trip gives continuous confirmation of 2-way
communications. Typing ECHO=1
will provide this round-trip communications verification.
The return data path is not essential, however. The SmartGen 6.0 will accept programming
commands on a receive-only basis. For example, a studio-transmitter radio link (STL) may include
1-way data transmission that could be used to address the encoder.
If double characters appear when typing, your terminal has been configured for local echo.
Rather than defeating the echo function of the encoder, local echo should be turned off. This is
usually a software command in the terminal or terminal program. Local echo must be used with a
1-way link, however, so that the terminal screen will show what is typed.
The SmartGen 6.0 has been set to ‘Echo’ as the factory default. The command to turn echo off
is ECHO=0
. To turn echo back on again, type ECHO=1