65 Aleksandar Stamboliyski Str., 8000 Bourgas, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 56/820027, Fax: +359 56/836700
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.devabroadcast.com
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Network Settings
DHCP – as DHCP Client is used to automatically obtain the Network Settings it can be enabled
or disabled.
• IP Address – a field where static IP address is to be inserted in case that DHCP client is not used.
• Netmask – a field where Static Subnet Mask is to be inserted. This parameter is not used if
DHCP Client is enabled. Example for Netmask is:
• Gateway – a field where Static Gateway is to be inserted. This parameter is not used if DHCP
Client is enabled. Example for Gateway is:
If the encoder’s IP address is changed, it is necessary to enter the new IP address in
your browser.
Stream Server Settings
Name – this is the encoder’s name displayed as name of the stream.
• Port – a field where TCP port of the stream server must be inserted. Default value is 5000.
Pre-buffer – initial amount of data sent to the client. Large value decreases startup delay caused
by buffering on the client side. This also introduces latency in the audio. Latency is bitrate
dependent and can be estimated by the formula: Latency = (PreBuffer x 8) / BitRate, [sec].
Default value is 96k.
Max connections – maximum number of simultaneous connected clients. This value can be in
the range from 1 to 10. Default value is 2.
WEB Server Settings
Port – this is the TCP port of the WEB Server. Default value is 80.
Username – user name for the WEB Server. Default value is
Password – Password for the WEB Server. Default value is
You can define Username only, Password only or both of them. If both Username and
Password are left blank, NO security is used.
RS-232 Settings
Baudrate - select RS-232 COM port baudrate. Default value is 9600.
• Port - a field where TCP port of the RS-232 Redirector must be inserted. This is the port to
which your software should connect to communicate with any external device connected to the
RS-232 Com Port. Default value is 9000.
• Password - Pasword for the RS-232 Redirector. These are the first symbols your software must
send to authenticate itself to the Redirector. If left blank, NO security is used. Default value is
Applying New Settings
In order new settings to take effect, it is necessary to press the SAVE button. Please keep in
mind that some of the new settings can reset DB9000-TX.