Programming Other Settings
(negative acknowledgement
tone). End the programming
sequence by replacing the
handset. Replacing the handset
before acknowledgement will
cancel the programming
Please do not forget to switch
the programming mode off
again when you have finished
Permanent Calling
Line Identification
When you make an outgoing
call, your telephone number is
transmitted to the called termi-
nal, assuming that that terminal
supports calling number dis-
play. In the default setting, the
TA 33clip is configured to trans-
mit the telephone number. You
can permanently restrict or
enable transmission.
To restrict the transmission of
your own telephone number:
b t
(line code digit) and
8 0 1 q d
Line code digit: “0” for both
lines, “1” for line 1, “2” for line 2
Programming Other Settings
Other Settings
Switching the
Programming Mode
Before you can carry out any
programming on the TA 33clip,
you need to switch the pro-
gramming mode on. This then
remains active for 15 minutes
before being switched off auto-
matically. You can also switch
the programming mode off
manually by entering a code.
Please note that whilst the pro-
gramming mode is active, no
outgoing or incoming calls are
possible on any terminals con-
nected to the TA 33clip.
Programming is carried out
using a DTMF telephone which
is plugged into one of the RJ11
sockets on the front. This tele-
phone is also used to switch on
the programming mode on.
Switching the programming
mode on:
b r * 8
0 0 0 0
# q d
Switching the programming
mode off:
b 8 # q d
Once you have switched the
programming mode on, you
start the individual program-
ming procedures by lifting the
handset. After a few seconds
you will hear a series of very
short high-pitched tones (pro-
gramming tone). Your inputs
have been saved once you hear
a low-pitched tone for one sec-
ond (positive acknowledge-
ment tone).
Invalid inputs are rejected with
three short high-pitched tones