Aesthetic Technology Limited
PL-027 (Rev 7)
PL-027 (Rev 7)
Product Labelling conforms to PL-001 (Rev 8) – Dermalux® Product Labelling Specification.
28.1 Symbols and Product Labelling
Serial Number
Product Code
and Reference
Electrical Warning
Keep Dry
Date of Manufacture
Product is CE marked.
Notified body number: 2797
General Warning
Upper and Lower
Operating Temperature
2 = Protection against
objects larger than 12.5mm
X = No protection.
Follow instructions for use
Upper and Lower
Operating Humidity
Do not dispose of in
general waste.
Table 12: Labelling Identification.
The diagrams to the left demonstrate how the
device should be set up and positioned around
the users face. This is for illustrative purposes
The minimum distance between the LED Array
and the user should be no less than 25mm.
The positioning of the LED Array mitigates
unintended exposure and the device should
only be used with a user in place.
Figure 16: Flex MD on Treatment Couch,
Overhead, Side View.
Figure 17: Flex MD on treatment Couch, Over-
head, End View.
The distance determines the j/cm2
of the emitted light, the further the user is
from the device the lower the optical power