Air Operated Diaphragm Pumps
2.0 Safety
General information
These instructions were written for the op-
erator and the maintenance and repair per-
sonnel. A well founded technical education
and technical understanding is a major pre-
requisite. Persons lacking qualification have
no permission to install, operate, service or
repair the pump.
Installation, operation, maintenance and
repair of the pump must in any case comply
with the applicable national safety regula-
tions and accident prevention instructions.
The following precautions must be applied
before performing maintenance work.
If the product to be pumped is a hazardous
or noxious substance, the system must be
neutralized and vented. For this purpose the
pump must strictly depressurized.
When cleaning the pump or its components
you must make sure that all necessary pre-
cautions are in place.
Incorrectly installed, inattentively operated
or insufficiently serviced pumps always are
sources of potential dangers. The negli-
gence of safety measures can cause severe
personal injury or damage to the pump and
connected units.
On pumps with protective covering and
guards these must be properly assembled
again before restarting.
In case of deficiencies adversely affecting
the safety the pump must be shut down im-
mediately and reliably secured against be-
ing switched on again. Only restart operation
of the pump after all deficiencies have been
Danger sources
The pump works with pneumatic and hy-
draulic energies, which may be under high
Depending on its equipment, the pump may
also work with electric energy.
Always relieve any pressure from the pump
before starting work in the pneumatic or hy-
draulic system.
Always de-energize the pump before start-
ing work in the electrical system.
Do not change any pressure settings to val-
ues higher than the ones specified in these
Safety facilities should not be removed or
made ineffective.
Permitted operators
The pump must only be operated, serviced
and repaired by authorised and trained per-
sons. Persons under the influence of alco-
hol, medicine or drugs are not permitted to
install, operate, service or repair this pump.
Intended use
The air operated diaphragm pump is a
working machine specially designed for the
transport of aggressive, abrasive and vis-
cous fluids. Any other use is unintended and
causes the immediate loss of warranty.