Maillefer Instruments
CH – 1338 Ballaigues
ZF1902109.X / 03/ 2009 –updated 03/2011
1) Prepare canal to produce a fully tapered shape
2) Fill pulp chamber with NaOCl, EDTA, or other final rinse solution
3) Select the Activator tip that manually fits loosely within 2 mm of working length
4) Place the barrier sleeve over the complete length of the handpiece
5) Attach the Activator tip over the barrier-protected handpiece. The Activator should snap on
firmly, promoting a secure connection with the handpiece
6) Place the attached Activator tip into the prepared root canal
7) Depress the ON/OFF switch to activate. Note: Switch defaults to high speed upon activation.
Depress the 3-speed switch to select medium speed or low speed
8) Use a pumping action to move the handpiece/Activator in short 2-3 mm vertical strokes
9) Hydrodynamically agitate the intracanal solution for 30 -60 seconds
10) Irrigate, then use intracanal suction to eliminate loose debris
11) Repeat the above steps for each intracanal irrigant used
When the clinical procedure has been completed, remove the attached tip by grasping the large
circular clean guard portion of the connected Activator with fingers and snap off. Pull the Activator off
the handpiece by firmly supporting the contra-angled neck of the handpiece. Next, remove the barrier
sleeve and discard. Activator tips and protective barrier sleeves are intended for single -patient use
Firmly support the head of the handpiece with your thumb while
grasping the white, circular, flange portion of the Activator tip with opposite
thumb and forefinger.
Use your thumb to maintain support of the handpiece and pull the
Activator tip STRAIGHT off. Keep the handpiece head and Activator tip
aligned during the removal process.
The Activator tip snaps ON/OFF in exactly the same alignment. NEVER
use a clockwise or counterclockwise motion to remove a Tip. NEVER twist, turn
or torque the tip when removing.