Downpack: Hybrid Technique
(A combination of Vertical Condensation & Continuous Wave Techniques)
Activate the Calamus
EHP and sear off the master cone at the level
of the orifice.
Select the larger size, prefit Calamus
manual plugger and step its
working end around the circumference of the canal using short, firm
strokes to move gutta-percha apically, clean the canal walls and
flatten the material.
Use this larger Calamus
manual plugger and press for 5 seconds to
compact warm gutta-percha vertically and laterally into this region of
the root canal system (First Wave of Condensation).
Activate the Calamus
EHP and plunge 3 to 4 mm deeper into the
heat softened gutta-percha, deactivate, then maintain firm apical
pressure for 5 seconds to compact the warm mass into this region of
the root canal system.
Activate the Calamus
EHP and, again, plunge another 3 to 4 mm
deeper into the heat softened gutta-percha, deactivate, then maintain
firm apical pressure for 5 seconds to three-dimensionally compact the
warm mass into this region of the root canal system.
Continue to activate and progressively pack warm gutta-percha
deeper into the canal until the silicone stop is 2 mm short of the
reference point, then deactivate and maintain firm apical pressure
until the predetermined working depth is reached.
Maintain firm apical pressure for 10 seconds to compact the mass of
warm gutta-percha into the apical one-third of the root canal system
and to offset shrinkage during the cooling phase.
Activate the Calamus
EHP for 1 second, then deactivate and remove
the plugger from the root canal using a back and forth motion. This
procedure separates and removes gutta-percha from the coronal two-
thirds of the canal without disturbing the gutta-percha in the apical
Select the small size, prefit Calamus
manual plugger and step its
working end around the circumference of the canal using short, firm
strokes to clean the canal walls and re-condense the most coronal
aspect of the gutta-percha within the apical one-third.
10. Select the Calamus
Flow delivery system to optimally backfill the