Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization
F1902142.EN / 05 / 2015 / updated 02/2016
Cleaning, Disinfection and Sterilization of the Contra-
The contra-angle must be cleaned, disinfected and sterilized before the
first treatment and after every subsequent treatment. Clean and
disinfect the contra-angle immediately after every treatment in order to
prevent debris from clinging.
According to a recommendation by the Robert Koch Institute
(Germany), a distinction must be made between device-based and
manual reprocessing, with device-based reprocessing being the
preferable measure. Below you will find instructions concerning device-
based and manual reprocessing, lubrication and sterilization
Always start with preparation at the point of use and manual pre-
cleaning in accordance with section
Sterilize the contra-angle after you have performed manual or
machine-based cleaning and disinfection and then lubricate.
Dentsply Maillefer recommends device-based cleaning in a washer-
disinfector. Please refer to the manufacturer’s information concerning
equipment, cleaning agents and rinsing agents.
Frequent reprocessing has minimal effects on the service life of
contra-angles. The end of the product service life is normally
dependent on wear and damage caused by use.