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•  Avoid high temperatures.
  Allow for suffi cient heat dispersion when 

installed in a rack.

•  Vermeiden Sie hohe Temperaturen.
  Beachten Sie, dass eine ausreichende 

Belüftung gewährleistet wird, wenn das 
Gerät auf ein Regal gestellt wird.

•  Eviter des températures élevées. 
  Tenir compte d’une dispersion de chaleur 

suffi sante lors de l’installation sur une 

• Evitate di esporre l’unità a temperature 


  Assicuratevi che vi sia un’adeguata 

dispersione del calore quando installate 
l’unità in un mobile per componenti audio.

•  Evite altas temperaturas.
  Permite la sufi ciente dispersión del calor 

cuando está instalado en la consola.

•  Vermijd hoge temperaturen.
  Zorg er bij installatie in een audiorack voor, 

dat de door het toestel geproduceerde 
warmte goed kan worden afgevoerd.

•  Undvik höga temperaturer.
  Se till att det fi 

nns möjlighet till god 

värmeavledning vid montering i ett rack.

•  Handle the power cord carefully.
  Hold the plug when unplugging the cord.
•  Gehen Sie vorsichtig mit dem Netzkabel um.
  Halten Sie das Kabel am Stecker, wenn Sie 

den Stecker herausziehen.

• Manipuler le cordon d’alimentation avec 


  Tenir la prise lors du débranchement du 


• Manneggiate il cavo di alimentazione con 


  Tenete ferma la spina quando scollegate il 

cavo dalla presa.

•  Maneje el cordón de energía con cuidado.
  Sostenga el enchufe cuando desconecte el 

cordón de energía.

•  Hanteer het netsnoer voorzichtig.
  Houd het snoer bij de stekker vast wanneer 

deze moet worden aan- of losgekoppeld.

•  Hantera nätkabeln varsamt.
  Håll i kabeln när den kopplas från el-uttaget.

• Keep the unit free from moisture, water, 

and dust.

• Halten Sie das Gerät von Feuchtigkeit, 

Wasser und Staub fern.

• Protéger l’appareil contre l’humidité, l’eau 

et la poussière.


Tenete l’unità lontana dall’umidità, 
dall’acqua e dalla polvere.

• Mantenga el equipo libre de humedad, 

agua y polvo.

•  Laat geen vochtigheid, water of stof in het 

apparaat binnendringen.

• Utsätt inte apparaten för fukt, vatten och 


•  Unplug the power cord when not using the 

unit for long periods of time.


Wenn das Gerät längere Zeit nicht 
verwendet werden soll, trennen Sie das 
Netzkabel vom Netzstecker.


Débrancher le cordon d’alimentation 
lorsque l’appareil n’est pas utilisé pendant 
de longues périodes.

•  Scollegate il cavo di alimentazione quando 

prevedete di non utilizzare l’unità per un 
lungo periodo di tempo.

• Desconecte el cordón de energía cuando 

no utilice el equipo por mucho tiempo.

•  Neem altijd het netsnoer uit het stopkontakt 

wanneer het apparaat gedurende een lange 
periode niet wordt gebruikt.

• Koppla loss nätkabeln om apparaten inte 

kommer att användas i lång tid.

* (For apparatuses with ventilation holes)

•  Do not obstruct the ventilation holes.
•  Decken Sie den Lüftungsbereich nicht ab.
•  Ne pas obstruer les trous d’aération.
•  Non coprite i fori di ventilazione.
•  No obstruya los orifi cios de ventilación.

De ventilatieopeningen mogen niet 
worden beblokkeerd.

•  Täpp inte till ventilationsöppningarna.

•  Do not let foreign objects into the unit.
•  Lassen Sie keine fremden Gegenstände in 

das Gerät kommen.

• Ne pas laisser des objets étrangers dans 



Non inserite corpi estranei all’interno 

•  No deje objetos extraños dentro del equipo.
• Laat geen vreemde voorwerpen in dit 

apparaat vallen.

• Se till att främmande föremål inte tränger 

in i apparaten.

• Do not let insecticides, benzene, and 

thinner come in contact with the unit.

•  Lassen Sie das Gerät nicht mit Insektiziden, 

Benzin oder Verdünnungsmitteln in 
Berührung kommen.

•  Ne pas mettre en contact des insecticides, 

du benzène et un diluant avec l’appareil.


Assicuratevi che l’unità non entri in 
contatto con insetticidi, benzolo o solventi.

• No permita el contacto de insecticidas, 

gasolina y diluyentes con el equipo.

• Voorkom dat insecticiden, benzeen of 

verfverdunner met dit toestel in contact 

• Se till att inte insektsmedel på spraybruk, 

bensen och thinner kommer i kontakt med 
apparatens hölje.

• Never disassemble or modify the unit in 

any way.

•  Versuchen Sie niemals das Gerät auseinander 

zu nehmen oder zu verändern.

• Ne jamais démonter ou modifi er  l’appareil 

d’une manière ou d’une autre.

• Non smontate né modifi cate l’unità in 

alcun modo.

• Nunca desarme o modifi que el equipo de 

ninguna manera.

• Dit toestel mag niet gedemonteerd of 

aangepast worden.

•  Ta inte isär apparaten och försök inte bygga 

om den. 






•  The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation 

openings with items, such as newspapers, tablecloths, curtains, 

•  No naked fl ame sources, such as lighted candles, should be 

placed on the unit.

•  Observe and follow local regulations regarding battery disposal.
•  Do not expose the unit to dripping or splashing fl uids.
•  Do not place objects fi lled with liquids, such as vases, on the 



• Die Belüftung sollte auf keinen Fall durch das Abdecken der 

Belüftungsöffnungen durch Gegenstände wie beispielsweise 
Zeitungen, Tischtücher, Vorhänge o. Ä. behindert werden.

• Auf dem Gerät sollten keinerlei direkte Feuerquellen wie 

beispielsweise angezündete Kerzen aufgestellt werden.

• Bitte beachten Sie bei der Entsorgung der Batterien die örtlich 

geltenden Umweltbestimmungen.

•  Das Gerät sollte keiner tropfenden oder spritzenden Flüssigkeit 

ausgesetzt werden.

• Auf dem Gerät sollten keine mit Flüssigkeit gefüllten Behälter 

wie beispielsweise Vasen aufgestellt werden.


• La ventilation ne doit pas être gênée en recouvrant les 

ouvertures de la ventilation avec des objets tels que journaux, 
rideaux, tissus, etc.

• Aucune  fl amme nue, par exemple une bougie, ne doit être 

placée sur l’appareil.

•  Veillez à respecter les lois en vigueur lorsque vous jetez les piles 


•  L’appareil ne doit pas être exposé à l’eau ou à l’humidité.
•  Ne pas poser d’objet contenant du liquide, par exemple un vase, 

sur l’appareil.


• Le aperture di ventilazione non devono essere ostruite 

coprendole con oggetti, quali giornali, tovaglie, tende e così via.

• Non posizionate sull’unità fi amme libere, come ad esempio 

candele accese.

• Prestate attenzione agli aspetti legati alla tutela dell’ambiente 

nello smaltimento delle batterie.

•  L’apparecchiatura non deve essere esposta a gocciolii o spruzzi.
• Non posizionate sull’unità alcun oggetto contenente liquidi, 

come ad esempio i vasi.


•  La ventilación no debe quedar obstruida por haberse cubierto las 

aperturas con objetos como periódicos, manteles, cortinas, etc.

• No debe colocarse sobre el aparato ninguna fuente infl amable 

sin protección, como velas encendidas.

•  A la hora de deshacerse de las pilas, respete la normativa para el 

cuidado del medio ambiente.

•  No exponer el aparato al goteo o salpicaduras cuando se utilice.
• No colocar sobre el aparato objetos llenos de líquido, como 




De ventilatie mag niet worden belemmerd door de 
ventilatieopeningen af te dekken met bijvoorbeeld kranten, een 
tafelkleed, gordijnen, enz.

• Plaats geen open vlammen, bijvoorbeeld een brandende kaars, 

op het apparaat.

•  Houd u steeds aan de milieuvoorschriften wanneer u gebruikte 

batterijen wegdoet.

•  Stel het apparaat niet bloot aan druppels of spatten.
• Plaats geen voorwerpen gevuld met water, bijvoorbeeld een 

vaas, op het apparaat.



Ventilationen bör inte förhindras genom att täcka för 
ventilationsöppningarna med föremål såsom tidningar, 
bordsdukar, gardiner osv.

• Inga blottade brandkällor, såsom tända ljus, får placeras på 


•  Tänk på miljöaspekterna när du bortskaffar batterier.
•  Apparaten får inte utsättas för vätska.
•  Placera inte föremål fyllda med vätska, t.ex. vaser, på apparaten.



  We declare under our sole responsibility that this product, 

to which this declaration relates, is in conformity with the 
following standards:

  EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 and EN61000-3-3. 
  EN55022, EN55024 for USB as multifunction terminal.
  Following the provisions of 2006/95/EC and 2004/108/EC 




  Wir erklären unter unserer Verantwortung, daß dieses 

Produkt, auf das sich diese Erklärung bezieht, den 
folgenden Standards entspricht:

  EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 und EN61000-


  EN55022, EN55024 für USB Multifunktionsbuchse.
  Entspricht den Verordnungen der Direktive 2006/95/EC und 




  Nous déclarons sous notre seule responsabilité que 

l’appareil, auquel se réfère cette déclaration, est conforme 
aux standards suivants:

  EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 et EN61000-3-3. 
  EN55022, EN55024 USB comme prise de multifonction.
  D’après les dispositions de la Directive 2006/95/EC et 




  Dichiariamo con piena responsabilità che questo prodotto, 

al quale la nostra dichiarazione si riferisce, è conforme alle 
seguenti normative:

  EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 e EN61000-3-3. 
  EN55022, EN55024 per USB come terminale multifunzione.
  In conformità con le condizioni delle direttive 2006/95/EC e 


  AL D.M. 28/08/95 N. 548



  Declaramos bajo nuestra exclusiva responsabilidad que 

este producto al que hace referencia esta declaración, está 
conforme con los siguientes estándares:

  EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 y EN61000-3-3. 
  EN55022, EN55024 para USB como terminal multifuncional.
  Siguiendo las provisiones de las Directivas 2006/95/EC y 




  Wij verklaren uitsluitend op onze verantwoordelijkheid dat 

dit produkt, waarop deze verklaring betrekking heeft, in 
overeenstemming is met de volgende normen:

  EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 en EN61000-3-3. 
  EN55022, EN55024 för USB som multifunktionskontakten.
  Volgens de bepalingen van de Richtlijnen 2006/95/EC en 




  Härmed intygas helt på eget ansvar att denna produkt, 

vilken detta intyg avser, uppfyller följande standarder:

  EN60065, EN55013, EN55020, EN61000-3-2 och EN61000-


  EN55022, EN55024 för USB som multifunktionskontakten.
  Enligt stadgarna i direktiv 2006/95/EC och 2004/108/EC.

Summary of Contents for DN-X1600

Page 1: ...DN X1600 Professional DIGITAL DJ Mixer Owner s Manual ...

Page 2: ...feat the safety purpose of the grounding type plug CAUTION 1 Handle the power supply cord carefully Do not damage or deform the power supply cord If it is damaged or deformed it may cause electric shock or malfunction when used When removing from wall outlet be sure to remove by holding the plug attachment and not by pulling the cord 2 Do not open the top cover In order to prevent electric shock d...

Page 3: ...UNG Die Belüftung sollte auf keinen Fall durch das Abdecken der Belüftungsöffnungen durch Gegenstände wie beispielsweise Zeitungen Tischtücher Vorhänge o Ä behindert werden Auf dem Gerät sollten keinerlei direkte Feuerquellen wie beispielsweise angezündete Kerzen aufgestellt werden Bitte beachten Sie bei der Entsorgung der Batterien die örtlich geltenden Umweltbestimmungen Das Gerät sollte keiner ...

Page 4: ...KKINGTOT DE RECYCLING Het inpakmateriaal van dit product is recycleerbaar en kan opnieuw gebruikt worden Er wordt verzocht om zich van elk afvalmateriaal te ontdoen volgens de plaatselijke voorschriften Volg voor het wegdoen van de speler de voorschriften voor de verwijdering van wit en bruingoed op Batterijen mogen nooit worden weggegooid of verbrand maar moeten volgens de plaatselijke voorschrif...

Page 5: ...B Cable 9 Connecting the Power Cord 9 Basic Operations 10 MIC mic input 11 Ducking function 11 MONITOR headphones output 11 BeatBreaker Function 12 Effecter Operations 13 Selecting the effector units and channels 13 Setting the BPM 13 Setting the beat 13 Selecting the effects 13 Turning the effects ON and OFF 13 Channel Fader Start 14 Crossfader Start 15 FADER setting the fader curve 15 How to adj...

Page 6: ... 5 mm 1 16 ins blank space above the mixer if possible Getting Started Thank you for purchasing this Denon product To ensure proper operation please read these owner s manual carefully before using the product After reading them be sure to keep them for future reference Accessories Check that the following parts are supplied with the product q Owner s manual 1 w CD ROM 1 e Power cord 1 r USB cable...

Page 7: ...le to send multiple input channel signals to the effector at the same time 3 USB audio and MIDI interfaces An interface prepared specifically for the MIDI controller increases controllability of the DJ software 8 channel 4 stereo channels 96 kHz USB audio input output function DVS Digital Vinyl System is supported See page 19 for more details of the DVS function Also available is a MIDI layer funct...

Page 8: ...sed iTAP LOCK AUTO INPUT BPM button TAP When this button is tapped repeatedly the BPM is measured using the intervals between taps LOCK When the button is pressed once in the auto BPM mode the BPM value measured automatically is locked AUTO BPM When the button is held down for one second the auto BPM mode is established and the measured BPM value is displayed INPUT BPM When it is held down for two...

Page 9: ... be obtained for the mic input signals E1MIC EQ controls Adjusts the frequency of the mic input E2DUCKING ON OFF button Use this to switch the Talk Over function ON and OFF ON OFF is cyclic When the button is lit level of signals except Mics is attenuated The ducking attenuation level can be adjusted in the UTILITY mode E3MIC1 MIC2 TRIM controls Adjusts the level of the Main Mic input E4MIC1 2 but...

Page 10: ...ndicator This lights when the Preset information in the USB device is used e USB A USB B indicator This indicates the current USB mode USB A USB host mode USB B USB device mode r EQ LOCK indicator This flashes when the equalizers and faders are locked t MIDI indicator This lights when MIDI communication is being performed y Effect display This indicates the name of the currently selected effect u B...

Page 11: ...t units Preparations Cables Used for Connections Select the cables according to the equipment being connected Audio cables For RCA PINJACK R L R L RCA pin plug For SEND RETURN Unbalanced Unbalanced For MIC Balanced Balanced 1 4 TRS XLR3 11C Type For BALANCED MASTER OUT Balanced Balanced 1 4 TS 1 4 TS 1 GND 2 Hot 3 Cold Ring Cold Tip Hot 2 Hot 1 GND 3 Cold Sleeve GND Ring Cold Tip Hot 1 4 TRS XLR3 ...

Page 12: ...anced line level output Connect these connectors to the balanced analog input connectors on an amplifier or console Pin layout 1 GND 2 Hot 3 Cold Applicable connector Cannon XLR 3 32 or equivalent BOOTH OUT BALANCED terminals These TRS terminals are balanced line output terminals whose signal levels are adjusted using the BOOTH LEVEL control provided on the top panel Pin layout TRS Tip Hot Ring Col...

Page 13: ...ratically after connected to the DN X1600 by USB It has been verified that this unit operates with the Mac OS 10 5 7 operating system When using Mac OS 10 5 6 or an earlier version operation of the computer may be unstable Furthermore this unit operates using an audio driver compliant with the Core Audio format As such use software applications that have been guaranteed to run using a driver compli...

Page 14: ...USB Use the SEL buttons of each LINE to select CD or PHONO as the LINE input 3 While checking the input level on the level meter adjust the input levels using the channel LEVEL controls 4 Adjust the sound quality using the channel EQ controls HI MID LOW 5 Assignment of the channel signals can be switched using the CROSSFADER ASSIGN switches Set these switches to the THRU position if the Crossfader...

Page 15: the music when a microphone is used The attenuation level of the master output while the ducking function is operating can be set within a range from 30 dB 10 dB in the Utility mode MONITOR headphones output 1 Select the source to be monitored using the CUE buttons for each channel When selected the CUE button lights CUE monitors for channels 1 4 as well as EFX can be selected 2 Use the SPLIT C...

Page 16: ...ts 11 Rev Loop Initiates the reverse play processing of the above loop signals 12 Pitch Shift Initiates the pitch shift processing of the input signals and outputs the results 13 BeatBreaker Initiates the partial insertion processing of the attack sounds of the beats as per the beat pattern 14 BeatScratch Repeats standard playback of the beat setting time and reverse playback of the same beat sett...

Page 17: ...measured with the auto BPM function is locked The channel for which the effect unit was last selected using the EFX SEND or EFX INS button takes effect as the channel used for the auto BPM counter measurement 3 If theTAP button is pressed down for over 2 seconds the BPM value can be set directly by pressing the BEAT buttons 4 The BPM value can be set by the interval during which the TAP buttons ar...

Page 18: ... FADER START switch 4 Move the channel input faders for CH1 to CH4 all the way to the bottom 5 Set the standby mode on CD player 6 When you want to start the player move up the Channel input fader CH FADER and the CD player will begin playing Fader Start Function The fader start function controls playback pause of the CD player using the fader control on the unit by sending a fader command to the ...

Page 19: ...s that rise sharply At the center position curve characteristics between the two will be produced The same curve characteristics apply to channels 1 to 4 2 Setting the crossfader curve When the crossfader CONTOUR control is turned to the left the curve will have characteristics that rise gradually When turned to the right it will have characteristics that rise sharply and cut in and cut out operat...

Page 20: USB A to USB B and the device mode is established When a specific period of time elapses with no computer connected to the USB B terminal the indicator changes back to USB A and the host mode is automatically selected 3 To select the host mode again press the UTILITY USB A USB B button for more than a second and select the settings by following the same steps USB audio This unit features a 24 bi...

Page 21: ... the side corresponding to the mode selected lights The USB audio input levels can be adjusted using Utility settings The adjustment values are stored on a mode by mode basis q CH INPUT mode Select this mode when mixing sound using only the DN X1600 without using the mixer functions of the DJ software The USB audio input signals are assigned using the configuration shown below USB channel 1 and 2 i...

Page 22: ...reflected in the unit and normal operation as a mixer cannot be performed The MIDI signals are received and the LEDs light up or go off MIDI output operation block Channel isolator EQ HI MID LOW controls Channel EFX SEND button CUE buttons Channel Fader MIDI input operation block The channel level meter channel EFX SEND button CUE button display 3 When the MIDI button is pressed again the MIDI butt...

Page 23: ...put CH2 Input CH1 Input USB OUT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 USB IN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 Select USB Audio Setting Preset Input Select in the UTILITY settings and check that the settings are DVS DVS is the default setting 2 Select USB Audio Setting USB Assign in the UTILITY settings and change the setting details to CH 3 Set the channel to be used with the P1 P4 of the source selector 4 Set the USB mode to device ...

Page 24: ...x00 Decrement 0x7F PARAM 1 SW SW ON 0x9n SW OFF 0x8n 0x40 SW ON 0x40 SW OFF 0x00 PARAM 2 0xBn 0x51 Increment 0x00 Decrement 0x7F PARAM 2 SW SW ON 0x9n SW OFF 0x8n 0x41 SW ON 0x40 SW OFF 0x00 items MIDI command Command Number Value MIDI Page 1 PARAM 3 0xBn 0x52 Increment 0x00 Decrement 0x7F PARAM 3 SW SW ON 0x9n SW OFF 0x8n 0x42 SW ON 0x40 SW OFF 0x00 PARAM 4 0xBn 0x53 Increment 0x00 Decrement 0x7F...

Page 25: ...25 Level Meter 7dB 0x26 Level Meter 4dB 0x27 Level Meter 2dB 0x28 Level Meter 1dB 0x29 Level Meter 0dB 0x2A Level Meter 1dB 0x2B Level Meter 2dB 0x2C Level Meter 4dB 0x2D Level Meter 7dB 0x2E Level Meter 10dB 0x2F Level Meter PEAK 0x30 items MIDI command Command Number Value LED 0xBn CH4 Level Meter 40dB ON TRG 0x50 OFF TRG 0x51 0x31 Level Meter 30dB 0x32 Level Meter 20dB 0x33 Level Meter 15dB 0x3...

Page 26: items and data page 23 1 Press the UTILITY USB A USB B button The utility screen now appears 2 Using the EFFECT SELECT control select the item and press the control to enter the selection When the selection is entered the items and data are switched using the hierarchy shown in the table below To go back to the selection press the BACK button Operation then returns to the previous screen 3 In t...

Page 27: ...Position 2 2 0mm to 8 0mm 0 0mm Adjusts the rise position for the A side cross fader 2 B Side Cut Position 2 2 0mm to 8 0mm 0 0mm Adjusts the rise position for the B side cross fader 10 Beat Breaker Setting 1 to 5 1 Edits the custom pattern for the BeatBreaker 2 System Setting 1 Sampling Frequency 44 1kHz 48kHz 96kHz 96kHz Selects the internal sampling rate for the unit 2 PC MAC 3 PC Mode MAC Mode...

Page 28: ...ey were called After the presets are called they are retained while the unit remains connected to the computer even if the USB B mode is selected Owner Setting Mode When the POWER switch is set to the ON position while the UTILITY USB A USB B button is held down the Owner Setting mode is established and the settings listed below can be selected To release the Owner Setting mode set the POWER switc...

Page 29: than 0 05 Crosstalk Less than 100 dB 1 kHz Unbalanced Stereo RCA terminal Load impedance 10 kΩ Level 0 dBu Max 20 dBu REC output Stereo Unbalanced RCA terminal Load impedance 10 kΩ Level 10 dBV Max 10 dBV BOOTH output Stereo Balanced 1 4 TRS terminal Tip hot ring cold sleeve ground Load impedance More than 600 Ω Level 4 dBu Max 24 dBu SEND output Monaural x 2 Unbalanced 1 4 TS terminal Load imp...

Page 30: ...26 Getting Started Connections Basic Operations Specifi cations Troubleshooting Effector Function Fader Start Utility USB Specifi cations ENGLISH Block Diagram 2 75 7 0 75 7 0 ...

Page 31: ...ition 7 10 11 The sound is distorted The master output audio level is too high The input level is too high Adjust the MASTER LEVEL control Adjust the channel input LEVEL controls 10 10 The fader start of the CD player cannot be initiated One or more of the connecting cables have not been connected properly The CH FADER START switch and CROSSFADER START switch have not been set to the ON position C...

Page 32: ......
