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g) This device cannot receive any commands for about 1.8seconds after the power switch is turned
1.4.2 Communication
a) When detect communication error such as overrun, framing, or parity error during receive a
command, this device shall give NAK ( 15h ) within 80ms from the start of command transmission .
b) If the host has received NAK from this device, it shall retransmit the command that it has
transmitted immediately beforehand.
c) When detect communication error such as overrun, framing, or parity error during receive a
answer, the host shall give NAK ( 15h ) within 80ms from the start of command transmission .
d) If it has received NAK from the host, this device shall retransmit the answer it has transmitted
immediately beforehand. ( MAX 40ms)
e) When there is no answer from the unit within 80 ms, the host shall retransmit the command.