USB Update Error Display
Details of Error code
Coping strategies
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
5 B
NACK received in response or no
response from Sub for L com-
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
5 C
No Update Packet received from
CX870 / CY920 (Time Out).
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
5 D
Abnormal data in Update Packet
received from CX870 / CY920
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
5 E
Abnormal data in Update Packet
received from CX870 / CY920
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
5 F
Setup failure of the transfer
method of XModem.
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
6 0
NACK received in response or no
response from Sub for P com-
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t e C h e c k N G
6 1
Mismatched Check Sum in re-
sponse or no response from Sub
for I command.
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
6 2
Failed to start up Sub in Power On
sequence during Update.
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
6 3
Failed to transit to Application
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
S u b
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
6 4
Failed to transit to Boot Loader
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
8 0
Write Enable Latch Bit not set in
Read after issuing WREN com-
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
8 1
Block Erase failed in Read after
issuing BE command.
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
8 2
No Update Packet received from
CX870 / CY920 (Time Out).
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.
* * * m i n
U p d a t i n g
f a i l
8 3
Abnormal data in Update Packet
received from CX870 / CY920
This unit automatically retries several
times. Wait until the FL display stops.
If the FL display stops at the Error dis-
play, press and hold the "Power opera-
tion" button for five seconds.