6 Ge ne ral tips and in for ma ti on on the pH-elec tro de
6.1 Hand ling and sto ra ge
• Al ways hand le the pH-elec tro de with ca re. Do not kink the elec tro de ca ble.
• Ne ver al low a pH-elec tro de to dry out.
• Should you inad ver ten tly al low an elec tro de to dry out, it may be pos sib le to re sto re it to
wor king or der by pla cing it in KCl so lu ti on for 24 hours.
• When pH-elec tro des are to re main out of use for a pro lon ged pe ri od, fill the sto ra ge tu be with
KCl so lu ti on (or der no. 1448), place tu be on tip of elec tro de and screw lid tight.
• Do not sub mer ge the elec tro de com ple te ly un der wa ter. The elec tro de cap and ca ble con nec ti -
on must al ways be at least 1 cm abo ve the sur face of the wa ter.
• Cho o se a spot in the aqua ri um which is as dark as pos sib le to fix the elec tro de in po si ti on, so
as to pre vent it from be co ming co ver ed in al gae. Elec tro de tips coa ted with al gae may have a
det ri men tal ef fect on me a su ring ac cu ra cy.
• Do not in stall elec tro de cab les to ge ther with other elec tric cab les over long dis tances. In this
way, you can pre vent other elec tric cir cuits from in fluen cing the me a sure ment re sults.
• IM PORT ANT: If the pH-elec tro de is not in the aqua ri um wa ter, the de vi ce's rea dings and
sub se quent con trol ac ti ons will be in cor rect - this may me an dan ger for your fish! You should
the re fo re check the wa ter le vel on a re gu lar ba sis!
• If the elec tro de tip is dir ty, the sphe ri cal me a su ring tip can be cle a ned ve ry ca re ful ly with a
soft cloth - the tip should on ly be dab bed, not rub bed! Af ter cle a ning, place in KCl so lu ti on for
12 hours. Then rin se and ca lib ra te.
6.2 Ser vice li fe of the pH-elec tro de:
All pH-elec tro des are sub ject to wear and re qui re re pla ce ment af ter a pe ri od of time. In con ti nu -
o us use, their ser vice li fe usual ly ran ges bet ween 12 and 24 months, with around 18 months re -
pre sen ting the ave ra ge. The le vel of wear va ri es ac cor ding to wa ter hard ness, acid con tent of the
wa ter, al gae growth, ge ne ral fou ling, me cha ni cal strain, ca re, etc.
6.3 pH ca lib ra ting so lu ti ons
The ac cu ra cy of the ca lib ra ti on de pends to a de ci si ve ex tent on the qua li ty of the em ploy ed
ca lib ra ting so lu ti ons. We re com mend ori gi nal DEN NER LE ca lib ra ting so lu ti ons.
Al ways use fresh ca lib ra ting so lu ti ons and ca lib ra te the elec tro des in se pa ra te, cle an re cep ta cles,
ide al ly in the DEN NER LE ca lib ra ting sta ti on. Dis card used ca lib ra ting so lu ti ons. Do not car ry out
ca lib ra ti on in the sup ply bott les - wa ter on the pH-elec tro de may al ter the ca lib ra ting so lu ti ons!
7 Me a su ring and set ting the pH va lue
7.1 pH va lue in the aqua ri um
In nor mal ope ra ting mo de, the dis play shows the cur rent pH va lue me a su red in the aqua ri um
(= ac tu al va lue).
7.2 Set ting the de si red pH va lue
Press "pH" key: The green LED next to the key will flash; the dis play shows the cur ren tly
pro gram med pH va lue.
• En ter the de si red pH (set va lue) with the "+" and "
" keys.
• If no key is pres sed for 3 sec., the pH-Con trol ler will adopt the en te red va lue. The ac tu al va -
lue in the aqua ri um ap pe ars again on the dis play, the green LED swit ches to con ti nu o us ly lit
mo de and the con trol ler per forms the cor re spon ding con trol ac ti ons.
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