Place springs (35), 1.09" (27.7 mm) into bores next to the sequence poppet valves of
step 5. Place dual relief poppet (31) over these springs. Position seats (28) with the
groove side facing up, over poppets.
Place spring (32) 1.56" (39.6 mm) into bore next to com-pensator valve side of block.
Install replenish poppet over spring. Position seat (28) with the groove side facing down,
over poppet.
Insert spring (33) 1.43" (36.3 mm) into the remaining bore. Place servo poppet (37) over
the retainer and spring. Position seat (44) with the tapered bore facing down, over poppet.
Carefully position the retainer plate over seats and poppets. Pressing with one hand on
the valve block, compress seats, poppets and springs far enough to alternately thread
two button head cap screws (43) in far enough to hold the retainer plate. Install the other
two screws and alternately tighten screws. Torque to 30 lb-in. (3.39 Nm).
Lubricate O-ring (4) and install on to seat (5), thread seat in valve block. (Be careful not
to damage bore in the seat.) Torque to 15 lb-ft (20.34 Nm).
Apply vaseline to shank of cone (13) and install spring (12) on cone. Carefully insert cone
and spring into valve block positioning point of cone into bore of seat.
Lubricate O-ring (11) install in groove of piston (10) and insert end of piston into spring
(12).Lubricate O-ring (9) and install on housing guide (8) and thread into valve block.
Tighten in place.
Thread nut (7) on socket set screw (6) and thread screw into housing guide (8) until it
starts to compress spring.
Using a small bladed screw driver, thread the pilot replenishing relief valve assembly (36)
into valve block and lightly tighten in place. (Do not over tighten. Over tightening can
cause sides of slot to break now or at next removal.)
Lubricate O-ring (4) install on plug (25) and tighten plug in place.
Thread check valve (2) into valve block and lightly tighten in place. (Do not over tighten.)
Lubricate O-ring (22) install on plug (23) and tighten in place.
Repeat above step on other end of valve block.
Lubricate O-ring (19) install on plug (20) and tighten plug in place.
Lubricate O-rings (22) install over plugs (23) and tighten plugs in place.
Lubricate O-rings (4) install on plugs (25) and tighten in place.
Lubricate O-ring (19) install over plug (20) and tighten in place.
Lubricate O-rings (47) and install in underside of manifold block (15). Carefully, place
manifold block (15) on top of the valve cover (1) making sure the O-rings are correctly
seated. Secure with four (4) soc. hd. cap screws (41) by threading into valve block (25).
Insert spring (16) and spool (38) into manifold (15) with the spring guide and spring
towards the left side of the manifold (15) when viewing from the top rear. Install orifice
plug (61) in manifold (15).
Install temporary plug, (50) in 1/4" tube port. Insert O-ring (19) and plug (20) in alternate
drain port.
Using a small hammer carefully tap roll pins (46) into and thru the retainer plate (42), the
pins should bottom out in hole leaving enough length sticking out for piloting into the port
Lubricate O-ring (47), (48) and (37) and install in the bottom of retainer plate (42).
Valve is ready to install on pump.
for special mounting of servo valve
after 7-93 (continued)