See figure 3. Position the cradle (20) on a clean flat surface with the large flat area down.
Position the rocker cam (24) on the cradle (20). Note marks made earlier to indicate top
of rocker cam & cradle.
Place O-ring (23c) around spacer (23d) and insert in the vane seal (23b).
Insert check valve (23e) inside of spacer (23d) and assemble between the two backup
plates (23a) with the notched V’s exposed.
Install assembled cartridge in slot in cam as indicated in Figure 3. Repeat steps 1, 2 and
3 on other side of cam.
Insert the four holddown vanes (22) in the slots on each side of the control vanes (23).
Position both control chambers (17) on a clean flat surface with seal grooves turned up.
Drop the four steel balls (19) in the four counterbored holes at each end of the seal
Lubricate seals (18) and insert in seal grooves in control chamber (17).
The tapered side of the seals must be pushed into the grooves and the ends must cover
the steel balls.
Install the control chamber (17) with seal (18) and steel balls (19) assembled over the
control vane (23). The seal must be against the cam. Rotate the chamber until it passes
over the control vane assembly, then rotate in the opposite direction until the 1/4" dowel
pins (16) can be pushed through the chamber (17) and into the cradle (20). Install cham-
ber in the same manner on the other side of the cam.
Two sets of chamber covers are available. The set marked CW must be installed in the
right hand rotation pump and the set marked CCW must be used in the left hand rota-
tion pump. (Rotation is determined facing the shaft end of pump.) The covers must be
installed with the tubing holes and the tapped holes at the top of the unit. Install cham-
ber covers (15r) and (15l) on the control chambers (17) over the dowel pins (16). The
tapped holes must be at the top. Refer to the “T” marked on the rocker cam (24) and cra-
dle (20).
Install four 1/4-20 screws, two (11) and two (12), in each side and torque to 10 ft.-lbs.
(13.56 Nm)
Install two 7/16-14 screws (10) in each side and torque to 45 ft.-lbs. (61.0 Nm)
Install O-ring (14) and plug (13) in each cover.
Figure 3
Note: Install items 6, 7, 8, and 9 on side shown of rocker
cam if pump model number has “B” suffix. Install on
opposite side if “A” suffix.
Marks Designate
Top of Assembly