To prevent personal injury or property damage, all users of
this equipment should read, understand, and follow these
* Never overload wagon. Overloading wagon is dangerous
and can cause extensive damage to both the box and running
* Never add more sideboards or extensions to the gravity box,
beyond the standard factory manufactured parts, as the box
is not designed to handle the added weight.
* Check box periodically for cracks in welds and other
structural damage. Have cracked welds fixed immediately.
Failure to do so could result in extensive damage to the gravity
box and thus greatly reduce life of box.
* When pulling gravity box and running gear, be sure that it
is fastened securely to tractor. Also connect the emergency
brake chain to towing vehicle and be sure lighting is connected
and working properly.
MAintEnAnCE AnD GEnERAl oPERAtionS of GRAvity wAGon
* Be sure to read all warnings, caution, and important labels on
equipment, they are designed for your safety and for longer
life of equipment.
* Periodically check all bolts and nuts to ensure proper
tension or torque. Torque lug nuts daily.
* Grease all zerks before each use using a good quality
lubricant .
* Before towing be sure master cylinder is full of brake fluid
and check lines for leaks. Inspect the actuator for bent or
worn parts. Replace parts if necessary. Make sure the actuator
mounting bolts are tight.
* Periodically check braking quality. If you think they are a
little soft, check the movement on the actuator. If it moves
more than 7/8”, the brake shoes need to be adjusted. Failure
to do so can result in loss of braking.
* If units are used in corrosive conditions the actuator and
wheels should be washed out with high pressure water.
When actuator parts are dry, oil all moving parts and repack
wheel bearing.
Periodic servicing of this unit will greatly prolong its usable life.