For example:
if the “water volume” is set to 80 litres per day we would suggest that you set the “Degasing
After” setting also to 80 litres so that it degasses once per day.
For tanks running easily within the total capacity of the reactor, it is possible to increase this duration and
the only reason to de-gas more than once per day would be if the demand was close to reaching the
maximum capacity of the reactor.
D - Recirculation pump speed:
This function allows the user to increase or decrease the recirculation speed
of the water around the reactor and is important for a number of reasons:
The higher flow passes more water over the media which increases the ability to dissolve by
preventing localised saturation on the surface of the media.
Allows fine control of the fine bubble mass in the gas chamber, (discussed later).
As a starting level we would suggest starting at 50% recirculation.
If the flow rate is too high, then fine gas bubbles can be carried over into the media chamber and if
recirculation is too low then there is less of a mixing effect of the CO2 into the water.
E – “Process Aktive”:
This LED is illuminated to indicate that the feed pump cycle is in operation and is
coupled with a count function of the main display from 1-100%.
This counting function will be observed approximately every 5 minutes reflecting the addition of water to the
reactor. The speed of the count will be determined by the head pressure of the system and length of feed
pipe from the pump but will normally take about 1-2 minutes to complete.
F, G – Up and down buttons:
These are self-explanatory and used to control the levels up and down of
functions B, C and D above.
H - Activity indicator green/yellow/red:
Indicates the state of the reactor at any time
Green – normal running state – all OK.
Yellow – water being added to the reactor, coupled with indicator E and main LED count.
Red – indicates that the float switch plug has been removed, coupled with a low volume bleep.
J – CO2 process active:
A blue LED indicates that the solenoid is open, and the reactor is calling for CO2. This
will come on during initial filling of the gas chamber and generally comes on for a couple of seconds every
time new water is dosed into the system.
K – CO2 empty:
A red indicator will alarm if the controller asks for CO2, but the float is not triggered within a
period of 4 minutes.
This could be for the following reasons:
The CO2 bottle is empty or close to empty.
The solenoid is faulty and not opening to let through CO2.
The pressure or flow rate of the gas is too low, so that on initial starting or following a degas, the gas
chamber is not filling within 4 minutes.
L – De-gas cycle operating:
During the degassing process this LED is illuminated.
Use of the optional timer function
The pH of nearly all closed aquariums will naturally drop overnight as the photosynthetic processes, which
use up CO2 from the water column, stop. Use of a calcium reactor will conversely add CO2 to the water and
depress the rise in pH during the daylight period.
Some people therefore choose to only run their reactors during the hours that the lights are running to try
and level out that pH swing.