Step 11a
– Final bleeding of the pump (manual)
This is potentially the easiest part of the process but can become the most fiddly if not carried out properly.
On the top of the reactor there are 2 bleed ports with orange taps. Ensure that the outlet pipe from the
reactor is still positioned above the height of the reactor so that water cannot escape.
Open one of the bleed taps and continue to add water to the funnel until water starts to come out of the
bleed tap and then close. Repeat with the other tap.
The unit should now be free of any air.
Step 11b
– Final bleeding of the pump (using supply pump)
An alternative method of bleeding the unit is to use small feed pump to supply water into the reactor to
chase out the final amount of air via the control panel (MODE FLOW FUNCTION). This is most useful if you
need to re bleed the unit for any reason once you have had it running.
With this method you must replace the funnel with the standard cap and we would recommend extending
the length of the bleed nipples with short lengths of hose that extend into a container above the height of
the reactor. Put the end of the outlet pipe into the same container.
Apply power to the control panel, set the display to the daily output mode then press the MODE button for
4-5 seconds until the LED screen shows a count. Open one of the bleed taps and wait until water starts to
come out of that pipe then close the tap. Repeat with the second bleed valve. Depending on how much air
remains in the unit you may need to press the mode flow function repeatedly to expel all of the air.
A quick tip, which we really should not really recommend, but works especially well on the smaller reactor to
remove the last amount of air from the pump body, is to suck on one of the bleed valves. You will get half a
mouthful of water, then half a mouthful of air, then water again which is when you close off the tap.
Functions of the Twin-Tech controller, buttons and LED indicators.
The Twin-Tech controller is the brains behind the reactor making it very simple for the hobbyist to use.