DPM-12GM-6-P1A-FP10-F-V1 10/31/2018
User Menu Features
Pressing the PROGRAM button takes user into the “Options Menu”
2. Successive Presses of PROGRAM button displays the following menu options. Use UP
or DOWN button to increase or decrease the setpoints and press ENTER
to save it.
a. IP address: To change the IP address, use ENTER button to navigate through
individual column
As usual UP and DOWN will add or subtract (in this case by 1) the address. Press
PROGRAM to enter.
Note: IP address is subject to be set by the Master (PLC/PROFINET Software). So,
whatever user sets can be later changed by the PLC in which case IP address set by
the user gets overridden and the new IP is displayed.
Subnet Mask
: Same as IP address.
Set Flow OK
: Sets the desired limit for optimum cooling to the weld tips.
Set Min Flow
: Sets the limit for the minimum flow
Set Leak Rate
: Sets the leak rate above which there is fault and the valve closes
Set Under Temp
: Sets the warning limit for low temperature. Below this
temperature, the status bit for the under temperature is set.
Set Over Temp
: Sets the warning limit for the higher temperature. Above this limit,
the status bit for the over temperature is set.
Response Time
: Set the response time for the fault detection. Lower the value,
faster the response.
Restart Delay
: Set the reset delay for the device after a reset command has been
issued locally or remotely.
Set Units
: Set the units to be Metric or English.
BP Request Time
: This is the time for which request is sent to the master and then
the bit clears itself after this time. The Bypass request bit is set for this time in the
status byte.