D e lt a Em b e d d e d S ys t e m O p e r a t i o n M a n u a l - E 2 0 0 S e r i e s
4 - 2
Replace Memory (RAM)
Any component replacement and repair of the host machine by users will lose the original product
The IPC-A300 series offers only one memory slot to increase memory capacity. Please refer to the
following steps to replace RAM:
Step 1
Turn off the system. When HDD
and Power
lights are OFF, disconnect
from the DC power system.
Step 2
Loosen all 4 screws to remove the side cover.
Step 3
Manually clear the fixing glue of the RAM clip. When using a blade, please do NOT
scrape RAM and avoid pulling the fixing glue so that the metal reed on the clips do not
come off.