Hardware Reference Manual
Software Setup
SOFTWARE SETUP (Turbo PMAC2A-PC104 and Clipper)
Filtered DAC Outputs Configuration
Although the Clipper Board uses standard Turbo PMAC2 firmware certain I-variables must be set
properly to use the digital-to-analog (filtered DAC) outputs. For the first ACC-1P board, the E5 jumper
should be set 1-2 to enable the four channels as motors 5-8 at base address $78100. The PMAC firmware
will automatically set up the encoder conversion table and basic motor I-variables for channels 5 through
8 after a “$$$***” command is issued. This will provide a total of 8 channels. The suggested M-variables
as specified in the Turbo PMAC/PMAC2 Software reference for motors 5 through 8 will apply. The I-
variables should be set as follows:
I7000 = 1001
; PWM frequency 29.4kHz, PWM 1-4
I7001 = 5
; Phase Clock 9.8kHz
I7002 = 3
; Servo frequency 2.45kHz
I7003 = 1746
; ADC frequency
I7100 = 1001
; PWM frequency 29.4kHz, PWM 5-8
I7101 = 5
; Phase Clock 9.8kHz
I7102 = 3
; Servo frequency 2.45kHz
I7103 = 1746
; ADC frequency
I7016 = 0
; Output mode ch#1: PWM
I7026 = 0
; Output mode ch#2: PWM
I7036 = 0
; Output mode ch#3: PWM
I7046 = 0
; Output mode ch#4: PWM
I7116 = 0
; Output mode ch#5: PWM
I7126 = 0
; Output mode ch#6: PWM
I7136 = 0
; Output mode ch#7: PWM
I7146 = 0
; Output mode ch#8: PWM
I169 = 1001
; DAC limit ch#1 10Vdc
I269 = 1001
; DAC limit ch#2 10Vdc
I369 = 1001
; DAC limit ch#3 10Vdc
I469 = 1001
; DAC limit ch#4 10Vdc
I569 = 1001
; DAC limit ch#5 10Vdc
I669 = 1001
; DAC limit ch#6 10Vdc
I769 = 1001
; DAC limit ch#7 10Vdc
I869 = 1001
; DAC limit ch#8 10Vdc
I10 = 3421867
; Servo interrupt time
Once this has been downloaded to the Clipper board, save and reset the board (“SAVE” and “$$$”
commands). The executive’s tuning programs can now be used to set up the PID parameters.
For the second ACC-1P board, the E5 jumper should be set 2-3 to enable the four channels as motors 9-
12 at base address $78140. This will require special set-up since there are no I-variables associated with
this servo gate address, nor will the PMAC firmware set up the encoder conversion table – this must be
done in a “run once startup PLC”. The following M-variables will be required to access the hardware set-
up registers of the 3
servo gate:
M7200->X$7815C,8,16 ;MaxPhase/PWM Frequency Control (I7m00 equivalent)
M7201->X$78144,16,4 ;Phase Clock Frequency Control (I7m01 equivalent)
M7202->X$78144,20,4 ;Servo Clock Frequency Control (I7m02 equivalent)
M7203->X$78144,0,12 ;
Hardware Clock Control (I7m03 equivalent)
M7204->X$7815C,0,8 ;
PWM/PFM Deadtime/Width Control (I7m04 equivalent)
M7205->X$7814C,0,24 ;
DAC Strobe Word (I7m05 equivalent)
M7206->X$78154,0,24 ;
ADC Strobe Word (I7m06 equivalent)
The following I-variables will add motors 9 through 12 to the encoder conversion table:
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