Hardware Reference Manual
Hardware Setup
On the Acc-1P, there are a number of jumpers called E-points or W-points that customize the hardware
features of the CPU for a given application and must be setup appropriately. The following is an
overview grouped in appropriate categories. For an itemized description of the jumper setup
configuration, refer to the E-Point Descriptions section.
I/O Configuration Jumpers
E1-E2: Machine Output Supply Configure
– With the default sinking output driver IC (ULN2803A or
equivalent) in U7 for the J7 JOPT port outputs, these jumpers must connect pins 1 and 2 to supply the IC
correctly. If this IC is replaced with a sourcing output driver IC (UDN2981A or equivalent), these
jumpers must be changed to connect pins 2 and 3 to supply the new IC correctly. A wrong setting of
these jumpers will damage the associated output IC.
E3-E4: JHW, PD Function Select
– When jumper E3 connects pins 2 and 3, a set of pulse and direction
signals can be output on channel 1 (pins 2 to 5) of the JHW, PD port. If E3 connects pins 1 and 2, then
channel 1 is configured as a handwheel encoder input. When jumper E4 connects pins 2 and 3, a set of
pulse and direction signals can be output on channel 2 (pins 6 to 9) of the JHW, PD port. If E4 connects
pins 1 and 2, then channel 2 is configured as a handwheel encoder input.
E5: Servo Gate address select
– If jumper E5 connects pins 1 and 2 (default) the servo channels on the
Acc-1P will be accessed at the regular addresses for motors 5 to 8. When E5 connects pins 2 and 3 the
servo channels on the Acc-1P board will be accessed at the regular addresses for motors 5 to 8 plus $40,
and this is useful only when two Acc-1Ps are used with the same PMAC2A PC/104 baseboard.
E6: I/O Gate address select
– If jumper E6 connects pins 1 and 2 (default) the I/O features on the Acc-
1P will be accessed at the regular addresses and the JTHW port can be used as a multiplexer port. When
E6 connects pins 2 and 3 the I/O features on the Acc-1P board will be accessed at the regular addresses
plus $40, and this is useful only when two I/O gate accessories are used with the same PMAC2A PC/104
E7: Machine Input Source/Sink Control
– With this jumper connecting pins 1 and 2 (default) the
machine input lines on the J7 JOPT port are pulled up to +5V or the externally provided supply voltage
for the port. This configuration is suitable for sinking drivers. If the jumper is changes to connect pins 2
and 3, these lines are pulled down to GND – this configuration is suitable for sourcing drivers.
E16: ADC Enable Jumper
– Install E16 to enable the analog-to-digital converter circuitry ordered
through Option-2. Remove this jumper to disable this option, which might be necessary to control motor
5 through a digital amplifier with current feedback.
Encoder Configuration Jumpers
E20-E23: Encoder Single Ended/Differential Select
– The ACC-1P has differential line receivers for
each encoder channel, but can accept either single-ended (one signal line per channel) or differential (two
signal lines, main and complementary, per channel). A jumper for each encoder permits customized
configurations, as described below.
Single-Ended Encoders
With the jumper for an encoder set for single-ended (pin 1 to 2), the differential input lines for that
encoder are tied to 2.5V; the single signal line for each channel is then compared to this reference as it
changes between 0 and 5V. When using single-ended TTL-level digital encoders, the differential line
input should be left open, not grounded or tied high; this is required for The PMAC differential line
receivers to work properly.
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