PMAC-Lite Hardware Reference
24V Amplifier-Enable Capability.
New Jumper E100 permits use of up to 24V supply for the
amplifier-enable signal, compared to a maximum of 15V on the older version.
Sinking or Sourcing Input Flags.
The new ACC-24P permits the use of either sinking or sourcing
input flags (home, limits, fault); the old ACC-24P permitted only sinking input flags.
Voltage Interlock Circuit
. The new ACC-24P has an interlock circuit that shuts down the analog
outputs if it detects anything wrong with the power supply, preventing runaway on partial supply
Surface-Mount Technology.
Most components are surface mounted for higher reliability and
greater long-term part availability.
In-System-Programmable Logic.
Interface logic ICs now can be programmed when installed in the
PMAC-Lite, permitting elimination of sockets for higher reliability, and easier manufacturing and
Compatibility Issues
The new PMAC-Lite can be operated in a manner that is 100% compatible with the old PMAC-Lite. The
board is shipped from the factory with settings for 100% compatible operation. To ensure your operation
is compatible, double-check the following settings:
Raised Bottom Edge.
The higher bottom edge moves the lower left mounting hole for standoffs up
12.7 mm (0.5 in). If you are using standoff mounting, and cannot move the matching mounting hole,
contact Delta Tau for free offset standoffs.
Serial Port Choice.
Because both RS-232 and RS-422 ports are always provided, jumpers must be
set correctly to use the port of your choice. Jumpers E107 and E108 must connect pins 1 and 2 to use
the RS-232 port on the J4 connector; they must connect pins 2 and 3 to use the RS-422 port on the
J4A connector.
On-Board Dual-Ported RAM.
If you wish to use dual-ported RAM with your new PMAC-Lite, you
must order Option 2 at the time you order the board. The new PMAC-Lite is not compatible with the
off-board DPRAM, and the on-board DPRAM option cannot be installed in the field.
24V Amplifier Enable Capability.
In order for the amplifier enable outputs to use the +12V to
+15V analog supply voltage for a high-side clamping supply, jumper E100 must connect pins 1 and
Sinking/Sourcing Input Flags.
To use sinking input flags, connect the flags as you have done
Firmware Reload.
Putting jumper E51 ON is now for re-initialization to factory default values only.
Firmware reload is set up by jumping pins 2 and 3 of E106.
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