• Do not fly the quadrocopter in areas where
temperatures can change rapidly, e.g. over a
fire or over water surfaces.
• Select a suitable location (open space) to oper-
ate the quadrocopter.
Flying over the following areas is prohibited,
and a distance of 100m from these areas must
be maintained: Crowded areas; accident sites,
catastrophe areas and other areas where pub-
lic authorities and organisations are engaged
in security/safety activities; over mobile federal
army installations and troops conducting
announced manoeuvres and military exercises;
nature conservation areas; residential areas;
industrial plants; penal institutions; involuntary
treatment facilities; military installations and
organisations; power generation and distribu-
tion infrastructure; facilities in which Protection
Level 4 work requiring prior authorization under
the Ordinance on Biological Substances is car-
ried out, unless the facility operator has given
express permission; hospitals; federal highways;
federal waterways; railway infrastructure; state
and federal constitutional bodies or supreme
or higher state or federal authorities; embassies
and consulates; international organisations that
are located in an area based on international
law; and police property and property of the
security agencies.
Flight over the following areas is prohibited,
and a distance of 1.5km from these areas must
be maintained:
Airports, airfield control zones, state and mili-
tary buildings. Local flight exclusion zones must
be checked before each flight.
• The quadrocopter has been designed for use
by laypeople as well as experienced/trained
users. Users with sight or hearing impairments
must only use the quadrocopter under the
supervision of those without impairments.
The user’s reactive capacity must not be
compromised: tiredness, and the influence of
alcohol or medication can lead to incorrect
Additional skills are not required (e.g. training
etc.). There are no operating restrictions based
on gender or left/right-handedness.
• Never fly the quadrocopter directly at other
people, animals or yourself.
• The motor, electronics and rechargeable
battery can heat up while the quadrocopter is
in operation. For this reason, take a break of
5–10 minutes before recharging the battery or
installing another previously charged battery.
• Improper operation can cause serious personal
injury and damage to property!
For this reason, make sure that you maintain a
safe distance from other people, animals and
objects when flying.
• Always leave the remote control switched on
while the quadrocopter is in operation. Always
first disconnect the battery connector and the
quadrocopter connector after landing. The
remote control can then be switched off.
• In the event of a fault or a malfunction, the
cause of the defect must first be resolved before
you restart the quadrocopter.
• Do not expose the quadrocopter or the remote
control to direct sunlight or high temperatures
for extended periods of time.
• In the event of a serious crash (for example,
from a significant height), the electronic gyro
calibration sensors may be damaged or de-
Before a new flight therefore, it is imperative
that a full functionality check is performed!
• In the event of a crash, the throttle must be
brought down to zero immediately. Rotating
rotors can be damaged during contact with
obstacles or on impact. Before a new flight,
always check them for possible cracks or break-
• In order to prevent damage to the quadrocop-
ter from crashing due to under-voltage, or the
battery due to deep discharge, always keep a
close eye on the under-voltage indicator lights
(see section on “Under-voltage warning”).
• In some countries, insurance is mandatory for
model aircraft and model helicopters which are
flown outdoors. Please consult your personal
liability insurer and ensure that your quadrocop-
ter is included in this insurance.