LDB-1se User Manual
Trigger Edit Mode
The LDB-1se has a trigger output jack that can send trigger or gate signals to a synthesizer, sequencer, or
other analog equipment. Triggers can be sent on any steps and/or instruments that you specify.
See the Config Edit section to assign triggers to specific instruments.
See the Connectivity section for the electrical characteristics of the Trigger Out jack.
Per-Pattern Triggers
Triggers can be either global, or per-pattern. By default, each pattern has its own set of triggers which are
saved when the pattern is saved.
Global Triggers
Global means that there is one set of triggers that fire regardless of the playing pattern. Global triggers
are particularly useful if you are using the Trigger Out as a clock signal to clock a separate sequencer.
Global triggers are off by default, but can be turned on in the Config Edit mode.
Num Steps:
The number buttons and LEDs represent the steps in the pattern. Pressing a number button
toggles the trigger output on or off for that step. The number LEDs are illuminated for the steps on which
a trigger will be sent. This works the same as editing an instrument in Step Edit mode.
Set All
Set Functions are available when triggers are per-pattern. Only Clear and Save are available when
triggers are global.
Select Trigger Measures:
Press and hold the Select button to edit trigger measures.
Editing Trigger Measures
Triggers do not have to be active on every measure that the patterns are playing. For instance, you may
want to output triggers only on every other measure, or every fourth measure, or the fifth and sixth
measures, or whatever you like. Trigger measures gives you this capability. There is a sequence of up to 8
trigger measures, and triggers can be active or not on each measure of that sequence.
Trigger measures work whether the triggers are global or per-pattern. There is one set of trigger measures.
They are not saved to non-volatile memory. When you power on your machine, they are reset to fire
triggers on every measure.
Row Length / State:
While editing trigger measures (holding the Select button), the Row button
switches between editing the length of the trigger measure sequence (top row), and editing the state of
the triggers for each measure (bottom row).