independently overlay other datasets
• Download NOAA charts from NetLink for use in XMap and on Earthmate PN-Series GPS
• API access to routing, GPS navigation, and map controls
• GPS NavMode—a hands free full-screen navigation view in 2-D or 3-D
• Improved terrain profiling for multi-channel data—show travel speed, temperature, and
other variables against the terrain
• GeoTagger provides updated image and data-tagging features—combine digital photos or
data with GPS locations in a completely new way
• Route preferences for walking/jogging, cycling, off-roading, or driving
• Support for opening DeLorme Topo USA and Street Atlas projects; easily migrate your old
projects to XMap
Key Features
XMap API Command Window
XMap includes a command prompt utility (XMapi) that allows you to control the application
through the command line. The interface provides access to simple commands for
performing a variety of basic operations, such as panning and zooming the map, performing
quick searches, and creating routes. All operations are triggered from the command line but
control the running application. Any commands that require further input prompt the user
through the standard XMap user interface.
Support for Earthmate PN-Series GPS Devices
XMap is compatible with DeLorme’s Earthmate PN-Series GPS devices—fully-integrated
handheld GPS receivers that provide exceptional performance for outdoor and professional
activities. Purchase of a PN-Series GPS includes XMap USA Topographic Data, which
provides complete United States topographic and street map coverage, and a world base
map for use when traveling between major international cities and towns. Also included is a
bonus DVD dataset of Topo USA® precut maps at all magnifications.
The Topo USA
7.0 data on the bonus DVD and the XMap USA Topographic 2008 dataset use a new file