Pu r i f i c a t i o n f i l t e r
The appliance is provided with a 3M purifica-
tion filter. This filter is able to capture even the
smallest sized particles and impurities (up to
0.003 millimetres), such as cigarette smoke.
The purification filter should never be used
with the dust filter, which is also included with
the appliance. Therefore:
. If you wish to use the purification filter:
Remove the purification filter from the filter
housing; Remove the aspiration grill
on page 36) and the dust filter which is atta-
ched to this. Remove the purification filter
from its packaging. Anchor the filter to the
appliance by attaching the two plastic pie-
ces on the filter to the special supports on the
air conditioner (see the illustration below).
Set the dust filter aside.
. If the dust filter is sufficient:
Remove the purification filter from the filter
housing and set it aside.