Appendix A
: The thin client conforms to both RFC-compliant DHCP servers (RFC numbers 2131
and 2132) and RFC-noncompliant Microsoft servers (which NULL terminate strings sent
to the thin client). The thin client supports both infinite leases and leases that expire
(per RFC 2131 and others).
: Not all options in the range 128-254 are strings. Options 186, 190, and 192 are
employed for all Wyse products that use WDM. Their format and content are
determined by the WDM product.
Step 3: Reboot or Start the Thin Client
After you reboot or start the thin client, it will look in the defined root path for the latest
available image and update if necessary.
WDM server list
Optional binary IP addresses of WDM. This option can
specify up to two WDM servers. If two are specified, at
boot time the thin client will attempt to check-in to the
first server. If it cannot contact the first server it will try to
check-in to the second server.
WDM server port
Optional number. Byte, word, or two-bytes array.
The value of this option tag, when not embedded
in Vendor Class Specific Information option, is interpreted
in reverse order when it is sent as 2 bytes (for example, the
value of 0x0050 was interpreted as 0x5000). This option
tag was used by old ThinOS releases. New ThinOS
releases still accept this option tag for backward
Virtual Desktop Broker
Optional string.
WDM secure port
Optional number, word, or two-bytes array. Specifies to
use HTTPS to communicate with WDM instead of HTTP.
WDM server port
Optional number, word, or two-bytes array.
The value of this option tag represents the same
information as option tag 187. The difference is that
ThinOS interprets the value of this option tag in correct
order (for example, the value of 0x0050 is interpreted as
0x0050). If the DHCP server provides both option tag 192
and 187, option tag 192 takes precedence.
Optional Fully Qualified Domain Name for the WDM
Cloud Client Manager
Group Key
Optional string. Can provide a CCM Group Registration
Key for the Cloud Client Manager agent. When Cloud
Client Manager is disabled and the Group Key of Cloud
Client Manager is NULL, this option will take effect. Cloud
Client Manager will use the optional string as the Group
Registration Key. If the Cloud Client Manager server or
MQTT server is NULL, the Cloud Client Manager agent will
set them to the default server values.
Table 7 DHCP Options, Continued