Dell EMC Connectrix EC-1700 Cabinet Installation and Setup Manual
EC-1700 Cabinet Overview
The EC-1700-C is designed to support the MDS 9513, MDS 9718, MDS
9710, MDS 9706, MDS 9509 and the ED-DCX6 director.
Features of the EC-1700-C cabinet include:
Mechanical, power, and cooling capacity for up to 1100 ports of
director-class Fibre Channel switching.
The EC-1700-C is designed to optimize air-flow and cooling for
the directors, therefore the default factory configuration is for
support of two directors in the EC-1700-C.
Fiber cable entry access through floor or ceiling
EC-1700-C base
The EC-1700-C comes from the factory with cable management
fingers and trays to support up to three fully populated directors.
1000+ fiber cables.
Other base configuration equipment includes:
Specially cut-out vertical NEMA mounting rails to provide air
passages to the sides of the MDS directors.
Pre-loaded directional air-baffles to direct hot exhaust air out the
rear and top of cabinet.
Specially perforated front and rear doors to optimize air flow in
and out of the cabinet.
Pre-loaded L-Brackets for mounting the directors into the
Each EC-1700-C cabinet can hold up to:
Two MDS 9509 directors
Two MDS 9513 directors
One 9513 and one 9509
Three MDS 9706 directors
Two MDS 9710 directors
One MDS 9718 director
Two ED-DCX6 directors
EC-1700-C expanded
With the addition of the MDS-BAFL-Kit the EC-1700-C can support
the addition of the MDS 9506, 9216, or 9222i with a 9509 or 9513
director. The additional baffles are required to maintain proper