For EMCNAS 5.6 or later
Use a HyperTerminal session to disable ConnectHome:
1. From the root directory, disable CallHome:
/nas/sbin/nas_connecthome stop
2. Disable the Email notification service:
/nas/bin/nas_emailuser -modify -enabled
Sample output:
3. Verify that the Email notification service has stopped (is not enabled):
Sample output:
Service Enabled = No
Recipient Address(es) = [email protected]
Carbon Copy Address(es) =
Email Server =
Subject Prefix = Celerra Notification -NDU through NST Sender Address =
ConnectHome and Email notifications are now disabled. You are now ready to replace the
part. After completing the part replacement procedure, be sure to enable ConnectHome and
Email notifications.
Replacing a Standby Power Supply
Disabling CallHome or ConnectHome and Email notifications