Figure 8 Recommended cabling for an extended retention system for DD860
Data Domain Extended Retention for DD860 systems
Data Domain Extended Retention systems for DD860 have three quad-port SAS cards
and support six sets with a maximum of four shelves per set.
As mentioned, you cannot combine ES20 and ES30 shelves in the same set.
DD990 cabling
There are a few rules that must be followed when adding both ES20 and ES30 shelves
to a DD990 system.
You can have a minimum of four shelves for a DD900 system with or without the
Expended Retention software.
You cannot exceed the maximum amount of raw capacity listed in
page 40 below. (For this calculation, ES20s can be counted as either 15 or 30 TB
to match the raw capacity of ES30s.)
Installing the Shelves
DD990 cabling