Hinged Stay-Open Upper Housing-
The upper housing hinges open and stay-open with a gas strut, allowing you
convenient access to the refrigeration system. This makes it especially easy to clean
the condenser coil. A clean condenser keeps your system operating properly and
effi ciently. Shouldn’t it be easy to get at for cleaning?
Pressure Relief Vent-
Open the door, close the door, open the door - unit won’t open. It feels like there is a
500 pound gorilla inside holding it shut. Ever experience this? It’s called vapor lock
and is caused by an air pressure differential between the inside and outside of the unit.
It won’t happen with Specifi cation Line. We’ve installed pressure relief vents on all
refrigerators and freezers to eliminate vapor lock. No annoying, productivity robbing,
stuck doors.
Shelf Adjustability-
Container too high to fi t on the shelf? Room for more products and more shelves?
Specifi cation Line refrigeration is easily confi gurable to get the maximum storage
capacity out of your unit. Shelves are held in place with stainless steel clips that
easily adjust in stainless steel pilasters. Mounting holes on 1” centers, giving you
unlimited fl exibility.
Attached 10’ Cord-
All 115 volt Specifi cation Line units come with a 10’ attached cord and plug from
the factory. You don’t have to worry about having an electrician wire it. It fi ts in a
standard outlet. The 10’ length gives you plenty of room to move the unit for cleaning.
Easy to Read LED External Thermometer-
Bright and easy to read from across the room. It doesn’t depend on solar power for
a read out. If the unit is plugged in, you’ll know the interior temperature and you’ll
know your food is being kept fresh and safe. And you won’t have to strain your eyes
to see it.
Energy Saver Door Heater Switch-
Sometimes you need it, sometimes you don’t. All Specifi cation Line refrigerators have
a heater wire imbedded in the cabinet, around the door opening. It’s there to eliminate
condensation from forming and dripping down the front of the cabinet. Ambient
humidity plays a big part in condensate formation. If your kitchen is cool and dry, you
don’t need the heater. Specifi cation Line lets you make the decision. The heater can be
turned off when it’s not needed, using a switch that’s conveniently mounted behind the
fl ip up upper housing where it won’t be used incorrectly. Why pay for energy you
don’t need?