ACT, Advanced Control Technology-
Our ACT system gives you an expanded temperature operating range in refrigerators.
They can operate anywhere from
27˚F to 44˚F
without modifi cation. Just set the dial
to the desired temperature. Operation below 32˚F doesn’t require electric defrost
heaters. The control is smart enough to keep the evaporator coil free of ice. ACT
lets your refrigerator do its job, just like you need it to in your application.
Tray Slides and Shelves-
18”x26” bun pans, 12”x20” hotel pans, boxes, bags, jars and other miscellaneous
containers. You ask your refrigeration to handle a wide variety of items, Specifi cation
Line is up to the task. We’ve got a wide array of slide systems and shelf types
available, all designed to let you confi gure the storagability of the unit to meet your
specifi c needs.
Available Field Door Rehingeability-
Your workfl ow can change. You need to keep your equipment confi gured to
maintain productivity in the new fl ow. Specifi cation Line can be ordered, at no
additional charge, with the ability to easily rehinge doors at your location, letting
your refrigeration adapt with you to your changing needs. Workfl ow stays effi cient,
productivity stays high.
Wide Variety of Door Choices-
Full doors, half doors, solid stainless doors, glass doors, hinged or sliding. Mix and
match. Specifi cation Line refrigeration offers the widest variety of door options
available today. You know what works best for your operation, Specifi cation Line
delivers on those needs.
Wide Variety of Temperature Choices-
Refrigerators, freezers, heated cabinets, dual temperature units, wine cabinets. The
Specifi cation Line offering has a unit with the right temperature performance to
fi t your storage needs. Once again, it’s one of the widest offerings available today,
because we recognize you have a variety of temperature holding needs.
One-Piece, Removable Refrigeration System-
Originally you needed a refrigerator to make your operation go. But things change,
now a freezer is needed instead. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could change the
refrigerator to a freezer and not have to buy a new freezer? You can do just that with
Specifi cation Line. Our one-piece refrigeration system is self-contained and can be
interchanged in the fi eld by a qualifi ed service technician.